By combining the historical record, data from ongoing streamgage monitoring, and data on new events, the USGS is able to develop the expertise and tools that help Federal, State, and local community leaders not only to enhance short-term preparation, aid, and recovery efforts, but to better understand how their flood risk may be changing over time and how they can reduce their risk in future events. (Larson, 2009, USGS General Information Product 93)
Systematic collection of flood records (peak stage and discharge) began in Oklahoma between 1930 and 1940. During that period, many continuous-record gaging stations (streamgages) were installed to define the flow characteristics of streams in Oklahoma. Some streams have records prior to 1930, but these records are generally fragmentary and in most cases only stream stages are available. Generally, the records prior to 1930 are for large basins only.
The spring and early summer months, April through July, have the highest occurrence of annual floods. More than two-thirds of all annual floods occur during these four months. December is the least likely month to have an annual flood in Oklahoma. (Sauer, 1974, WRIR 73-52)
USGS streamgages transmit real-time data about the stage and discharge of rivers to the National Weather Service and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (among others), helping them to monitor, predict, and plan for approaching floods. Flood forecasts and warnings issued by those agencies allow responders to evacuate residents, prepare for disaster aid, and protect and save lives and property.
By combining the historical record, data from ongoing streamgage monitoring, and data on new events, the USGS is able to develop the expertise and tools that help Federal, State, and local community leaders not only to enhance short-term preparation, aid, and recovery efforts, but to better understand how their flood risk may be changing over time and how they can reduce their risk in future events. (Larson, 2009, USGS General Information Product 93)
Oklahoma FloodWatch
- Map: Flood and high flows
- Data table: Locations above flood stages
- Recent flood and high-flow conditions
- Current streamflow conditions map
Oklahoma Flood Tools
- Oklahoma Flood Information Database - A web-based GIS tool developed in partnership with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) to collect and summarize historical flood information near roadways
- Oklahoma StreamStats - A web-based GIS tool developed in partnership with the ODOT for estimating flood-frequency statistics at gaged and ungaged locations
- Miami Flood Inundation Pilot - A web-based GIS tool developed in partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for exploring real-time and near-future flooding hazards near Miami, Oklahoma
Flood Information
- USGS National floods site
- The "100-year flood"
- Flood Hazards Fact Sheet
- Large Floods in the United States
- How much water flows during a storm?
Flood Links
- Current Flood Warnings NWS/NOAA
- National Weather Service Flood Guidance
- NWS Recent Precipitation
- NOAA's Flood Safety site
Below are other science projects associated with this project.
Flood Database for Oklahoma
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
Recent flow and stage for Oklahoma
Access recent flood and stage data for streams and rivers throughout Oklahoma.
Surface-water data for Oklahoma
Real-time and historical streamflow data collected throughout Oklahoma.
Below are publications associated with this project.
Dam-breach analysis and flood-inundation mapping for selected dams in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and near Atoka, Oklahoma
Dam-breach analysis and flood-inundation mapping for Lakes Ellsworth and Lawtonka near Lawton, Oklahoma
Large floods in the United States: where they happen and why
Summary of floods in the United States, January 1992 through September 1993
Estimated flood peak discharges on Twin, Brock, and Lightning creeks, Southwest Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, May 8, 1993
Summary of floods in the United States during 1990 and 1991
National water summary 1988–89 — Hydrologic events and floods and droughts
Flood of May 26-27, 1984 in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Flood of August 27-28, 1977, West Cache Creek and Blue Beaver Creek, southwestern Oklahoma
Flood of October 1973 in Enid and vicinity, north-central Oklahoma
Floods of 1971 and 1972 on Glover Creek and Little River in southeastern Oklahoma
Floods of April-June 1957 in Oklahoma and western Arkansas
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
StreamStats in Oklahoma
Delineate custom drainage basins, compute basin characteristics, and estimate streamflow statistics.
Funding partners: Oklahoma Department of Transportation and Oklahoma Water Resources Board
By combining the historical record, data from ongoing streamgage monitoring, and data on new events, the USGS is able to develop the expertise and tools that help Federal, State, and local community leaders not only to enhance short-term preparation, aid, and recovery efforts, but to better understand how their flood risk may be changing over time and how they can reduce their risk in future events. (Larson, 2009, USGS General Information Product 93)
Systematic collection of flood records (peak stage and discharge) began in Oklahoma between 1930 and 1940. During that period, many continuous-record gaging stations (streamgages) were installed to define the flow characteristics of streams in Oklahoma. Some streams have records prior to 1930, but these records are generally fragmentary and in most cases only stream stages are available. Generally, the records prior to 1930 are for large basins only.
The spring and early summer months, April through July, have the highest occurrence of annual floods. More than two-thirds of all annual floods occur during these four months. December is the least likely month to have an annual flood in Oklahoma. (Sauer, 1974, WRIR 73-52)
USGS streamgages transmit real-time data about the stage and discharge of rivers to the National Weather Service and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (among others), helping them to monitor, predict, and plan for approaching floods. Flood forecasts and warnings issued by those agencies allow responders to evacuate residents, prepare for disaster aid, and protect and save lives and property.
By combining the historical record, data from ongoing streamgage monitoring, and data on new events, the USGS is able to develop the expertise and tools that help Federal, State, and local community leaders not only to enhance short-term preparation, aid, and recovery efforts, but to better understand how their flood risk may be changing over time and how they can reduce their risk in future events. (Larson, 2009, USGS General Information Product 93)
Oklahoma FloodWatch
- Map: Flood and high flows
- Data table: Locations above flood stages
- Recent flood and high-flow conditions
- Current streamflow conditions map
Oklahoma Flood Tools
- Oklahoma Flood Information Database - A web-based GIS tool developed in partnership with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) to collect and summarize historical flood information near roadways
- Oklahoma StreamStats - A web-based GIS tool developed in partnership with the ODOT for estimating flood-frequency statistics at gaged and ungaged locations
- Miami Flood Inundation Pilot - A web-based GIS tool developed in partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for exploring real-time and near-future flooding hazards near Miami, Oklahoma
Flood Information
- USGS National floods site
- The "100-year flood"
- Flood Hazards Fact Sheet
- Large Floods in the United States
- How much water flows during a storm?
Flood Links
- Current Flood Warnings NWS/NOAA
- National Weather Service Flood Guidance
- NWS Recent Precipitation
- NOAA's Flood Safety site
Below are other science projects associated with this project.
Flood Database for Oklahoma
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
Recent flow and stage for Oklahoma
Access recent flood and stage data for streams and rivers throughout Oklahoma.
Surface-water data for Oklahoma
Real-time and historical streamflow data collected throughout Oklahoma.
Below are publications associated with this project.
Dam-breach analysis and flood-inundation mapping for selected dams in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and near Atoka, Oklahoma
Dam-breach analysis and flood-inundation mapping for Lakes Ellsworth and Lawtonka near Lawton, Oklahoma
Large floods in the United States: where they happen and why
Summary of floods in the United States, January 1992 through September 1993
Estimated flood peak discharges on Twin, Brock, and Lightning creeks, Southwest Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, May 8, 1993
Summary of floods in the United States during 1990 and 1991
National water summary 1988–89 — Hydrologic events and floods and droughts
Flood of May 26-27, 1984 in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Flood of August 27-28, 1977, West Cache Creek and Blue Beaver Creek, southwestern Oklahoma
Flood of October 1973 in Enid and vicinity, north-central Oklahoma
Floods of 1971 and 1972 on Glover Creek and Little River in southeastern Oklahoma
Floods of April-June 1957 in Oklahoma and western Arkansas
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
StreamStats in Oklahoma
Delineate custom drainage basins, compute basin characteristics, and estimate streamflow statistics.
Funding partners: Oklahoma Department of Transportation and Oklahoma Water Resources Board