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May 26, 2023

New monitoring is part of the Willamette River Basin's Next Generation Water Observing System. 

a metal pipe with flex tube conduit is fastened to a mossy bank with ferns. Sensors and wiring are inside the pipe and tube.
New USGS water temperature and water level gage installed in Middle Santiam River in the Middle Santiam Wildness Area upstream of Green Peter Dam. This gage will help characterize habitat conditions for multiple life stages of spring Chinook salmon in this river reach.

In 2023, new monitoring stations were installed in spawning reaches of the upper Santiam and McKenzie Basins. Gage installations are planned for the Clackamas, Fall Creek, and Middle Fork Willamette Basins in 2024. These river corridors are used by spring Chinook Salmon for spawning and rearing. Water level and temperature data from these stations provide new insights on how changing climate conditions affect habitat conditions for spring Chinook Salmon. 

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