Institutional Biosafety Committee Meeting - April 22, 2024
The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) advises the Center on the handling of biohazardous materials, and reviews and approves research projects that involve biohazardous materials, including but not limited to recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules.
Title: Western Fisheries Research Center Institutional Biosafety Committee Meeting
Date: April 22, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM PST
Persons wishing to attend may do so through Microsoft Teams: Click here to join the meeting.
Documents sent via email: IBC agenda, previous minutes, WFRC IBC Charter, additional files.
Call to Order
Member Conflicts
Review of Previous Minutes
- February 7 2024 meeting minutes
Old Business:
- None
New Business:
- Approval of the updated WFRC IBC Charter.
- New application for Dr. Jan Lovy. Diet study in pelicans.
- John Allen-short update on effluent treatment system
Comments from the public and WFRC staff are to follow the guidelines outlined in the approved Charter:
As per the approved Charter, 6.4. Meeting attendance: Convened meetings of the IBC are open to the General Public, WFRC scientists, relevant partners, etc., in accordance with the NIH Guidelines. Non-IBC members may attend the meeting, but may not be part of the discussions, voting, or deliberation during the IBC meeting. They may not vote on any application. At the end of each meeting, non-IBC members will be given two (2) minutes to address the IBC. More time may be provided depending upon the number of non-IBC members wishing to speak and at the discretion of the IBC Chair. Written comments are also welcome, submitted to the IBC chair after the meeting. Non-IBC members may address topics not related to the application(s) being discussed. Any related written comments, including slides for presentation, must be provided at least three days before the scheduled meeting, or any time after the meeting. The Chair will be responsible for aggregating and distributing all written information received to the IBC.
6.4.1. Principal Investigators are welcome to attend IBC meetings and will be specifically invited to attend when their research is novel or especially complex when the IBC determines that the IBC would benefit from a full description of the proposed activities.
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