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Anne Wein (WGSC) led the Sensitivity of Liquefaction to Sea-level Rise project in the San Francisco Bay Area with oversight of Keith Knudsen (ESC).   The geonarrative communication for a general audience has won a 2023 Shoemaker Product award. 

Anne Wein (WGSC) led the Sensitivity of Liquefaction to Sea-level Rise project in the San Francisco Bay Area with oversight of Keith Knudsen (ESC). Funding from RiskyWorld supported multi-disciplinary collaboration. The integrative project was designed to inform engagement partners of the HayWired Scenario and CoSMoS (Patrick Barnard, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center).  The analysis was conducted by Alex Grant (Earthquake Science Center) using groundwater modeling results from Kevin Befus (University of Arkansas). Usability testing of the graphics was conducted by Rachel Volentine and Mike Frame. The geonarrative communication for a general audience has won a 2023 Shoemaker Product award.  Travis Poitras (former WGSC) orchestrated the Geonarrative with some of the project members and Monica Erdman and Kimber Peterson (Administration and Policy). 


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