Nutria, also known as coypu, are aquatic rodents native to South America that have now established populations in many states including Louisiana after being introduced for their fur. The invasive omnivore often feeds on aquatic plants and roots, and its destructive feeding and burrowing habits result in overgrazing of wetland habitats.
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Assessing Risk Communication in the Pet and Aquarium Trade: An Analysis of Outreach and Engagement Efforts
WARC researchers evaluated whether outreach campaigns targeting pet owners are effectively reaching their desired audiences, namely pet owners who might unintentionally or purposefully release their pet into the wild.
Developing Techniques for Estimating Nutria (Myocastor coypus) Abundance
Nutrias (Myocastor coypus) are an aquatic rodent imported from South America to the United States in the 1920-40’s for the fur farms. Since their original importation they have become established in the wild in many regions of the United States.