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Remotely sensed data and field measurements from a tracer dye experiment on the Kootenai River, ID, September 25-27, 2017

July 5, 2018

To support research on dispersion in river channels, a tracer dye experiment was performed on the Kootenai River in northern Idaho, September 25-27, 2017. This parent data release contains links to several types of field measurements and remotely sensed data acquired during this experiment: 1) in situ measurements of Rhodamine WT dye concentration; 2) reflectance spectra and corresponding concentration measurements acquired from a boat; 3) hyperspectral image data acquired from a conventional manned aircraft; and 4) digital, three-band (RGB) aerial photographs acquired from a manned aircraft. Please refer to the individual child pages for further detail about each data set. Overall, these data were used to assess the potential for estimating tracer dye concentrations from remotely sensed data to support dispersion studies in river channels.

Publication Year 2018
Title Remotely sensed data and field measurements from a tracer dye experiment on the Kootenai River, ID, September 25-27, 2017
DOI 10.5066/P9CV4XEO
Authors Carl J Legleiter, Richard R McDonald, Jonathan M Nelson, Paul J Kinzel
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Water Resources Mission Area - Headquarters
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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