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February 29, 2012 - Landsat Ground Station Operators Working Group (LGSOWG#40)

The 40th Landsat Ground Station Operators Working Group Meeting was held January 30 through February 3, 2012, in Bali, Indonesia.

LGSOWG#40 was hosted by the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN).

Many ground station management topics were discussed among the participants from 17 countries, including members of the USGS Landsat and Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) Projects. Together, the group represented 23 U.S. and international ground stations.

The USGS presented material on the Land Satellites Data System (LSDS) and future missions, including LDCM and Landsat 9. LDCM presentations included project and ground system development status, including plans and timelines for ground system processing software availability and upcoming International Cooperator ground system interface testing. A Landsat Science Team update was also presented.

Landsat Operations presentations included status reports on the Landsat 5 and 7 missions, the Global Land Survey activity, and the Landsat Global Archive Consolidation initiative. A detailed status on recovery of the Landsat 5 mission was also provided.

Attendees also participated in the following special science collaboration topics:

  • Carbon Monitoring
  • Web-enabled Landsat Data (WELD)
  • Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) and Climate Data Records (CDRs)
  • Long Term Acquisition Plan (LTAP)

Each International Cooperator briefed the group on the status of their current ground systems (including electronic data delivery capabilities and challenges), presented their future satellite mission(s), and discussed the current status of Landsat Global Archive Consolidation activities.

International Cooperators and U.S. attendees included representatives from the following countries and organizations:

  • Argentina (CONAE)
  • Australia (GA-NEO, DCCEE)
  • Brazil (INPE)
  • Canada (CCRS)
  • China (CEODE)
  • Europe (ESA)
  • Germany (DLR)
  • India (ISRO)
  • Indonesia (LAPAN)
  • Japan (RESTEC)
  • Russia (ScanEx)
  • Saudi Arabia (KACST)
  • South Africa (SANSA, PinkMatter)
  • Sweden (SSC)
  • Taiwan (CSRSR-NCU)
  • Thailand (GISTDA, Precise Steel)
  • United States (USGS, Aerospace, MSI, SeaSpace)
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