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April 24, 2023

Early on Friday, April 21, 2023, the USGS/NASA Landsat Flight Operations Team (FOT) was alerted of an error that occurred at 6:02 AM CDT (11:02 z) during a standard calibration collect by Landsat 8’s Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS).  The Operational Land Imager (OLI) was not affected by this error.

While the TIRS continued to acquire data after the error was discovered and later resolved, the USGS/NASA Calibration/Validation Team (CVT) immediately began evaluating the radiometric and geometric quality to determine if combined OLI/TIRS (LC08) Level-1 products can be created.  

Landsat 8 data acquired since the start of the error on April 21st are currently not being processed until the CVT completes their analysis.   

Landsat 8 scenes acquired during the timeframe of the error (between 6:02 AM CDT (11:02 z) on April 21, 2023 (DOY 111) and 1:28 PM CDT (18:28 z) on April 23, 2023 (DOY 113)) will be processed as OLI-only Level-1 products, and will become available to download from the USGS EROS after the data are reassembled and processed as OLI-only.  

Updates will be posted as more information becomes available.

Please contact USGS Customer Services with any questions about this announcement.  


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