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October 8, 2020 – Landsat 7 Acquisitions Lost Due to Ground Station Antenna Issue

On October 5, 2020, a ground station reception issue resulted in the loss of scheduled Landsat 7 acquisitions. 

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The interruption impacted the reception of 69 Landsat 7 scenes from the following path/rows, which are also displayed on the map below:  

  • Path 188 Rows 48-57 
  • Path 204 Rows 33,34                                                        
  • Path 204 Rows 40-53              
  • Path 220 Rows 62-82                                                      
  • Path 35 Rows 11-14, 42,43 
  • Path 51 Rows 11-13                                                          
  • Path 99 Rows 64-76  
Landsat 7 Missed Acquisitions October 5, 2020
Map displaying missed Landsat 7 acquisitions on October 5, 2020. 

The issue was quickly resolved at the ground station and all remaining L7 data has been received. 

Please contact USGS Customer Services if you have any additional questions about this announcement. 

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