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MTAB 108, May 2024

MTAB108.pdf (7 MB)

Detailed Description

This Memo to All Banders (MTAB 108) was released in May 2024. Subjects in this this memo are 1. The Chief’s Chirp; 2. Alerts – Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza and reminder that banders cannot submit data through Bandit, only manage data; 3. Staff updates – meeting reports, BBL staff visits Foreman's Branch; 4. News – American Woodcock Migration, Women in Banding, and Surviving Migration Through an Urban Landscape; 5. A note from the permitting shelves – we are receiving a high volume of permit requests; 6. A note from the supply room – remove rejected band transfers from the Portal, and check your bands before banding; 7. Frequently asked questions – what's the difference between record lost, band lost, and band destroyed?;  8. Data management – helpful hint; 9. Banding and encounter highlights; 10. Auxiliary marker corner – check out our guide to submitting auxiliary marking data! and a note to shorebird banders; 11. Moments in history – World Migratory Bird Day; 12. Recent Publications; 13. Upcoming events; and 14. Request for information. 


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