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CASC Network Timeline

Detailed Description

Timeline showing the history of the CASC Network. Events listed:

  • 2008: Initial funding appropriated to establish a national climate science center
  • 2009: Secretarial Order 3289 is signed, expanding the mandate of NCCWSC and the Climate Science Centers
  • 2010: The Alaska, Southeast, and Northwest CSCs are established
  • 2011: The North Central and Southwest CSCs are established
  • 2012: The Northeast, South Central, and Pacific Islands CSCs are established
  • 2014: The CSCs begin a collaboration with the BIA to place Tribal Resilience Liaisons with each center
  • 2018: The CSCs are renamed “Climate Adaptation Science Centers”
  • 2020: Congress establishes Midwest Center
  • 2022: The House introduces and holds a hearing on the CASC Act


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