Jumbo Piston Corer
Detailed Description
Deep water camera and light installed in the head weight of the upgraded USGS jumbo piston corer. In the background, USGS Marine Engineering Technician Daniel Powers is preparing the core liner for sediment collection.
Public Domain.
Learn more about the jumbo piston corer and other equipment and capabilities at the USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center Marine Facility (MarFac).
Jumbo piston corer
Piston corers are generally used in areas with soft sediment, such as clay.
PCMSC MarFac Field Equipment and Capabilities
Learn about the USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center Marine Facility’s vast array of field equipment, sampling devices, and mapping systems, and our capabilities. Our engineers, designers, mechanics, and technicians have also designed and developed some of the specialized field equipment we use in field operations in the nearshore, in the deep sea, and on land.
Jumbo piston corer
Piston corers are generally used in areas with soft sediment, such as clay.
Learn more about the jumbo piston corer and other equipment and capabilities at the USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center Marine Facility (MarFac).
Jumbo piston corer
Piston corers are generally used in areas with soft sediment, such as clay.
PCMSC MarFac Field Equipment and Capabilities
Learn about the USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center Marine Facility’s vast array of field equipment, sampling devices, and mapping systems, and our capabilities. Our engineers, designers, mechanics, and technicians have also designed and developed some of the specialized field equipment we use in field operations in the nearshore, in the deep sea, and on land.
Jumbo piston corer
Piston corers are generally used in areas with soft sediment, such as clay.