Liquid CO2 supply tanks for field testing.
By Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
2015 (approx.)
Detailed Description
Liquid CO2 supply tanks for field testing.
Public Domain.
Invasive Carp Control: Carbon Dioxide
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is being evaluated as a chemical control for invasive carps. Recent work involves investigations on the effectiveness of CO2 as a tool to limit range expansion by blocking upstream migrations (behavioral deterrent) and manage existing populations (lethal control). Data generated from these studies are intended to inform resource managers decisions related to the development of...
Carbon Dioxide as an Invasive Carp Lethal Control
Invasive Carp Control: Carbon Dioxide Management agencies often rely on commercial harvest for invasive carp population control. Piscicides, or fish toxicants, are an alternative method that could supplement Integrated Pest Management plans to kill and remove large quantities of invasive carps in a relatively short period of time. This non-selective removal strategy could greatly improve removal...
Invasive Carp Control: Carbon Dioxide
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is being evaluated as a chemical control for invasive carps. Recent work involves investigations on the effectiveness of CO2 as a tool to limit range expansion by blocking upstream migrations (behavioral deterrent) and manage existing populations (lethal control). Data generated from these studies are intended to inform resource managers decisions related to the development of...
Carbon Dioxide as an Invasive Carp Lethal Control
Invasive Carp Control: Carbon Dioxide Management agencies often rely on commercial harvest for invasive carp population control. Piscicides, or fish toxicants, are an alternative method that could supplement Integrated Pest Management plans to kill and remove large quantities of invasive carps in a relatively short period of time. This non-selective removal strategy could greatly improve removal...