Paleoclimate Archives and Proxies
Detailed Description
Paleoclimate Archives and Proxies
Paleoclimate Research
Lessons from the Past, Roadmap for the Future The present-day climate of the Earth is influenced by a combination of natural climate variability, increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution, and changes in land cover (such as conversion from forest to agriculture and back again).
Climate Variability
To understand changes in our climate, USGS scientists are synthesizing long-term data sets, including geologic records that can extend over millions of years. Paleoclimatology, in particular, uses evidence of past climate change preserved in sediments, rocks, tree rings, corals, ice sheets and other climate archives to reconstruct how climates varied in the past.
Paleoclimate Research
Lessons from the Past, Roadmap for the Future The present-day climate of the Earth is influenced by a combination of natural climate variability, increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution, and changes in land cover (such as conversion from forest to agriculture and back again).
Climate Variability
To understand changes in our climate, USGS scientists are synthesizing long-term data sets, including geologic records that can extend over millions of years. Paleoclimatology, in particular, uses evidence of past climate change preserved in sediments, rocks, tree rings, corals, ice sheets and other climate archives to reconstruct how climates varied in the past.