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Scientist angling on Ross Lake as part of food web study

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Marshal Hoy, a Biological Science Technician, angling on Ross Lake for Western Fisheries Research Center (WFRC) food web study in October 2021. As a part of this study, fish are sampled for stomach contents, scale samples to assess age and growth, and fin tissue for stable isotopes and genetic analysis. Ross Lake is a large reservoir in the North Cascade mountains of northern Washington state. Ross Dam, alongside the downstream Diablo and Gorge Dams, provide the public utility Seattle City Light with about 20% of the electricity used by the city of Seattle. The WFRC Ecology Section is conducting research on the ecological feasibility of introducing anadromous salmonids above these currently impassable dams as a part of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) re-licensing process for these dams. To learn more about this project and other related research you can visit the WFRC Ecology Section website.


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