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Temporal patterns of structural sagebrush connectivity in the western United States

February 2023 (approx.)

Detailed Description

Temporal patterns of structural sagebrush connectivity in the western United States and within designated areas of conservation and management importance. (a) greater sage-grouse priority areas for conservation (PACs)3; (b) Proportions of areas within and outside of PACs with stable high (yellow) and stable low (blue) connectivity patterns from 1985 to 2020; (c) Mean trend and standard deviation for linear change in connectivity classes between 1985 and 2020 within and outside PACs; (d) The distribution of sagebrush ecological integrity classes (SEI2) within the sagebrush biome; (e) Proportions of areas that had stable high (yellow) or stable low (blue) connectivity within each SEI class from 1985 to 2020; (f) Mean trend and standard deviation for linear change in connectivity class between 1985 and 2020 within each SEI class4.

This figure was originally published here: 

Buchholtz E.K., O’Donnell M.S., Heinrichs J.A., Aldridge C.L., Land: Temporal Patterns of Structural Sagebrush Connectivity from 1985 to 2020, 2023, v. 12, no. 6(1176), 13p.,


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