Topography and bathymetry of southern Cascadia

Detailed Description
Topography and bathymetry of southern Cascadia, which includes southern Oregon and northern California (seafloor depths between 200 and 3000 m are shown in the spectrum color scale from red (shallower) to purple (deeper). The land and continental shelf are shown in grayscale slope shading where darker colors represent steeper slopes. Green lines are locations of known faults. Blue lines show major rivers. Between 2018 and 2019, the USGS, NOAA and BOEM have worked together to conduct a wide range of new data to address marine geohazards, including new multibeam bathymetry, Chirp subbottom and Sparker multichannel seismic surveys, and seafloor sediment samples. Data sources: USGS/NOAA OCS, Ocean Exploration Trust, NCEI.
Public Domain.