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C2 West Transect – 2017

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Detailed Description

Permanent Site: C2 West Transect; Depth: 15.3 Meters (50.3 Feet); Distance from river mouth: 0.7 Kilometers (0.5 Miles); Pre/Post Dam Removal: 6 years post-dam removal; Lat/Long: 48.147841,-123.57663268; Site Description: One of our deepest sites. Substrate is all muddy sand. Seaweed is absent. Woody debris is present (1:18 seconds). The featherduster tubeworms that were abundant in 2015 are almost all gone except for a few Eudistylia vancouveri (0:34 seconds) and the ornate tubeworm Diopatra ornata (appears as small clumps of seaweed and detritus at 1:38 seconds). Geoduck clams Panopea generosa (left of tape at 2:01 seconds) and false geoduck Panomya ampla (siphon at right of tape at 2:01 seconds) are common. Very little other invertebrates were present except for a large group of Pandalus shrimp (0:47 seconds) hiding amongst woody debris, under a large log (0:43-0:48 seconds). This time the billowing tape was held in place using scuba ankle weights (0:27 seconds) or wood sticks (0:54 seconds) found on the bottom. 




Public Domain.