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Announcing NEW National Hydrography Dataset Newsletter Delivery

November 11, 2020

There's a new National Hydrography Dataset Listserv and fresh Newsletter look and feel!

With the help of our talented Pathways Intern, Vanessa Baez, we’ve been working for some time in the background on an updated look and feel for the NHD Newsletter, as well as transitioning from a spreadsheet-based email list to a listserv.

Accessing the Newsletter

This month we launch our new NHD Newsletter format. The content is similar to the previous PDF format, but you are accessing the information in this new format directly on our website.  As we publish new editions they will be accessible and viewable as a list or grid view within the new USGS National Hydrography Dataset Newsletter page.

Previously published PDF version newsletters from 2001 to August 2020 are available at the new NHD Newsletter page under Archived Issues or via direct link at

Screens shot of the New National Hydrography Newsletter Landing Page
Figure 1: Screenshot of the New National Hydrography Group Newsletter Landing Page indicating self-service listserv portal. (Click to enlarge)

Managing your Listserv Subscription

We have moved from a spreadsheet-based email list to a self-service listserv. If you were on the previous spreadsheet-based email list, you have been automatically added to the new listserv.

The listserv enables you to subscribe and unsubscribe without any need to email us. Access the listserv self-service page through our Newsletter Group Page by clicking 'subscribe' (see red box in figure 1) or from this direct link to the listserv 'General Information Page':

We recommend that you do not choose to receive emails in a digest form. If you do, you may miss time sensitive information such as calendar invitations. Also, the password feature is disabled and is NOT required to subscribe, unsubscribe, or receive the newsletter. Simply go to the listserv self-service page linked above and enter your email address in the box under "To unsubscribe from National_Hydrography_Datasets_List, get a password reminder, or change your subscription options enter your subscription email address".

Changing your email

If you would like to change your email address you need to unsubscribe your email address first. Then subscribe with the new email address.

  1. On the General Information page scroll down to the heading National_Hydrography_Datasets_List Subscribers. 
  2. Enter your email address and click 'unsubscribe or edit options'

Please make sure to follow the listserv instructions sent by email. You will receive an email asking you to confirm removal. Reply without making any comments. This will trigger a second email confirming you have been removed. For those changing email, make sure you now follow the steps to resubscribe.  


*Also, please note that the new listserv is multipurpose. While we used to hold separate subscription information for the NHD Newsletter and monthly Hydrography Advisory Calls, we cannot make this distinction with the new listserv. Many of you who have only been receiving the newsletter will now also receive a calendar invitation to the Hydrography Advisory Call from us monthly. We would love to have you attend the Advisory Calls, but if you aren’t interested in these, please just decline them.

As with all change, we expect to hit some rapids along the way as we transition to these new formats. Please email Becci Anderson ( or Vanessa Baez ( if you have questions or issues with either the new newsletter format or the listserv.

Get Our News

These items are in the RSS feed format (Really Simple Syndication) based on categories such as topics, locations, and more. You can install and RSS reader browser extension, software, or use a third-party service to receive immediate news updates depending on the feed that you have added. If you click the feed links below, they may look strange because they are simply XML code. An RSS reader can easily read this code and push out a notification to you when something new is posted to our site.

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