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NHD Data Download Errors and NHDPlus HR Spatial Index Issues

April 15, 2021

USGS has discovered issues with certain National Hydrography Dataset products generated between 3/01/2021 and 3/16/2021, and a spatial index issue related to some NHDPlus HR file geodatabases.

Errors in NHD Downloads

USGS has discovered a problem introduced in the HU4 and HU8 NHD downloadable datasets generated between 3/01/2021 and 3/16/2021. The datasets contained duplicates of all or many features. The affected data were regenerated, starting on 3/17/2021 and have all been replaced with corrected data.

If you downloaded NHD HU4 or HU8 products in March and find they contain duplicated features, you can download a corrected copy from the distribution site:

Please be sure the date shown for the data is 3/17/2021 or later


ArcGIS 10.5.1 Spatial Index Issues with NHDPlus HR File Geodatabases

USGS has discovered an issue with spatial indexing in ArcGIS 10.5.1 when using NHDPlus HR file geodatabases generated with the current staged product generation configuration (PostgreSQL 11.10 and ArcSDE 10.8.1). The spatial index appears corrupted or not populated, resulting in features disappearing at different scales. Users are advised to manually rebuild spatial indexes if encountering this issue when using ArcGIS 10.5.1 as described in the Esri documentation: Rebuild a spatial index—ArcGIS Help | ArcGIS Desktop.

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