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October 13, 2021 CDI Monthly Meeting

The October 13, 2021 Monthly Virtual Meeting will feature presentations on a USGS Cloud Environment Cookbook, Seasonal forecasts of ecological drought to inform dryland restoration, and tips for the CDI Request for Proposals process, data management, and MS Teams. 

Join us at our monthly meeting on October 13, 2021 from 11:00am - 12:30pm Eastern Time.   

The topics and speakers are:  

CDI Project: USGS Cloud Environment Cookbook - Aaron Fox, USGS

Long-term update on a past CDI project: Seasonal forecasts of ecological drought to inform dryland restoration - John Bradford, USGS

CDI Pop-up Lab - Tips: Data Management Tips; Teams Tip; How to learn a lot of things during the CDI RFP Process - CDI facilitators

Find abstracts and more information, including how to join, on the meeting wiki page.

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