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Can USGS Bureau-approved preprints be subsequently published as USGS series, cooperator publications or journal articles? [199]

Yes, Bureau-approved preprints may subsequently be published as superseding USGS series, cooperator publications, or journal articles. [Read more] 

Yes. Bureau-approved preprints may subsequently be published as superseding USGS series, cooperator publications, or journal articles. A final product superseding a Bureau-approved preprint requires creation of a new IPDS record, and, if the final publication is a USGS series product, it must receive Science Publishing Network editing and formatting before final Bureau approval in IPDS (refer to SM 1100.2). For preprints authors intend to subsequently submit to journals, authors should make sure the target journal will consider for publication manuscripts available on preprint servers. Some journals may consider preprints as previous publications and deny their consideration.