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Success Story - A World Class Potash Resource in Michigan

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USGS News Article

"Western Michigan University's Michigan Geological Repository for Research and Education, working in conjunction with the company Michigan Potash, said that it has rediscovered a mineral deposit in West Michigan potentially worth billions of dollars that could establish Michigan as a leading U.S. supplier of a key fertilizer used by farmers worldwide.

"At current market prices, the deposit is estimated to be worth $65 billion... The high quality of the mineral resource has the potential to create a multibillion-dollar industry in Michigan that would surpass the state's historical oil and gas production revenues, as well as create several hundred jobs in Osceola and Mecosta counties, where the deposit is located."

Michigan Potash Company, LLC is a private, US based, potash holding company controlling over 100 million tonnes of recoverable KCl-reserves formerly controlled and considered proven and probable by the world's second largest fertilizer company.

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