Across the country, USGS scientists research amphibians to help other agencies manage this historically underappreciated and now declining group. Our scientists have learned that no single threat explains global amphibian declines; instead, a variety of local and global factors are contributing. Habitat loss, disease, contaminants, and other threats are all part of the pattern.
Amphibian Research
Reptile and Amphibian Road Ecology
Effects of Saltwater Intrusion on Anuran Occupancy in Big Thicket National Preserve, Texas
Acoustic Monitoring for Two Rare Frog Species in Northwest Louisiana
Amphibian Research and Occupancy Modeling in the South-Central Region of the Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative (ARMI)
A is for Amphibian
Interaction of Environmental Stressors and Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) Pathogen Loads on Survival of Green Frogs (Lithobates clamitans)
Capture-Mark-Recapture of Treefrogs at Bayou Teche National Wildlife Refuge
Quantitative and Other Methods
Agricultural Practices
Oregon Spotted Frog
Ecology and Conservation of Sensitive Herpetofauna Species
Declining Amphibians
Amphibian Research in Southern California
Ecology and Conservation of Amphibians in Northern California
Herpetological Research Team (FRESC)
Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative: Midwest Region
Status of Northern Leopard Frogs in the Southwest
Modeling Colonization of a Population of Chiricahua Leopard Frogs
Managing the Extinction Risk of the Shenandoah Salamander
Amphibian Chytrid Fungus Sampling in Arizona and Mexico
Monitoring of Amphibians at St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge in Northwest Florida
Recent data (2020-2022) related to USGS amphibian research is listed below. A complete listing of USGS amphibian data is available from the button below.
USGS Occupancy Surveys for Dixie Valley Toads, Anaxyrus williamsi, in Churchill County, Nevada from April 2018 to May 2021
Cottonwood Lake Study Area - Amphibians (ver. 2.0)
Biological and chemical data from chloride bioassays with native wetland species in natural and reconstituted Prairie Pothole waters
Western Spadefoot Survey Data in Northern and Central California (2019)
Annotated bibliography of grazing effects on amphibians and their habitats (ver. 2.0, February 2022)
Amphibian Chytrid Swab Data from Churchill County, Nevada (2019-2021)
Current use pesticides in larval amphibian tissues, amphibian pathogen and wetland sediment screening data from three northeastern National Wildlife Refuges, 2013-2014
Summary and synthesis of 15 years of the Amphibian Vital Sign monitoring in the National Capital Region Inventory and Monitoring Network
Evaluating regulations and surveillance as risk-mitigation to the emerging amphibian pathogen Bsal- Data release
Western Spadefoot Habitat Selection Based on Radio Telemetry in Orange County, California 2019
Metal concentrations in sediment and amphibian tissues from wetlands sampled across the United States
Presence and prevalence of pathogens among amphibians of Catoctin Mountain Park, 2014
Recent publications (2020-2022) related to USGS amphibian research are listed below. A complete listing of USGS amphibian publications is available from the button below.
Potential effects of energy development on environmental resources of the Williston Basin in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota—Species of conservation concern
Over the hills and through the farms: Land use and topography influence genetic connectivity of northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens) in the Prairie Pothole Region
Genomics-informed delineation of conservation units in a desert amphibian
Research to inform passage spacing for migratory amphibians and to evaluate efficacy and designs for open elevated road segment (ERS) passages
Winter severity affects occupancy of spring- and summer-breeding anurans across the eastern United States
By land, air, and water — U.S. Geological Survey science supporting fish and wildlife migrations throughout North America
Amphibian mucus triggers a developmental transition in the frog-killing chytrid fungus
Range-wide persistence of the endangered arroyo toad (Anaxyrus californicus) for 20+ years following a prolonged drought
Importance of local weather and environmental gradients on demography of a broadly distributed temperate frog
Late season movement and habitat use by Oregon spotted frog (Rana pretiosa) in a large reservoir in Oregon, USA
Gene pool boundaries for the Yosemite toad (Anaxyrus canorus) reveal asymmetrical migration within meadow neighborhoods
Elevating human dimensions of amphibian and reptile conservation, a USA perspective
Across the country, USGS scientists research amphibians to help other agencies manage this historically underappreciated and now declining group. Our scientists have learned that no single threat explains global amphibian declines; instead, a variety of local and global factors are contributing. Habitat loss, disease, contaminants, and other threats are all part of the pattern.
Amphibian Research
Reptile and Amphibian Road Ecology
Effects of Saltwater Intrusion on Anuran Occupancy in Big Thicket National Preserve, Texas
Acoustic Monitoring for Two Rare Frog Species in Northwest Louisiana
Amphibian Research and Occupancy Modeling in the South-Central Region of the Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative (ARMI)
A is for Amphibian
Interaction of Environmental Stressors and Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) Pathogen Loads on Survival of Green Frogs (Lithobates clamitans)
Capture-Mark-Recapture of Treefrogs at Bayou Teche National Wildlife Refuge
Quantitative and Other Methods
Agricultural Practices
Oregon Spotted Frog
Ecology and Conservation of Sensitive Herpetofauna Species
Declining Amphibians
Amphibian Research in Southern California
Ecology and Conservation of Amphibians in Northern California
Herpetological Research Team (FRESC)
Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative: Midwest Region
Status of Northern Leopard Frogs in the Southwest
Modeling Colonization of a Population of Chiricahua Leopard Frogs
Managing the Extinction Risk of the Shenandoah Salamander
Amphibian Chytrid Fungus Sampling in Arizona and Mexico
Monitoring of Amphibians at St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge in Northwest Florida
Recent data (2020-2022) related to USGS amphibian research is listed below. A complete listing of USGS amphibian data is available from the button below.
USGS Occupancy Surveys for Dixie Valley Toads, Anaxyrus williamsi, in Churchill County, Nevada from April 2018 to May 2021
Cottonwood Lake Study Area - Amphibians (ver. 2.0)
Biological and chemical data from chloride bioassays with native wetland species in natural and reconstituted Prairie Pothole waters
Western Spadefoot Survey Data in Northern and Central California (2019)
Annotated bibliography of grazing effects on amphibians and their habitats (ver. 2.0, February 2022)
Amphibian Chytrid Swab Data from Churchill County, Nevada (2019-2021)
Current use pesticides in larval amphibian tissues, amphibian pathogen and wetland sediment screening data from three northeastern National Wildlife Refuges, 2013-2014
Summary and synthesis of 15 years of the Amphibian Vital Sign monitoring in the National Capital Region Inventory and Monitoring Network
Evaluating regulations and surveillance as risk-mitigation to the emerging amphibian pathogen Bsal- Data release
Western Spadefoot Habitat Selection Based on Radio Telemetry in Orange County, California 2019
Metal concentrations in sediment and amphibian tissues from wetlands sampled across the United States
Presence and prevalence of pathogens among amphibians of Catoctin Mountain Park, 2014
Recent publications (2020-2022) related to USGS amphibian research are listed below. A complete listing of USGS amphibian publications is available from the button below.