The topography of New Hampshire ranges from the Coastal Lowlands to the Eastern New England Upland to the White Mountains region. High-quality statewide elevation data are useful in managing this very diverse landscape. For example, the short coastline, including the Great Bay estuary and the Hampton-Seabrook marshes, is of disproportionately high value to New Hampshire’s tourist economy. The vulnerability of the coast to the effects of sea-level rise underscores the need for accurate, high-quality nearshore topographic elevation data and offshore bathymetric data to effectively manage the coast’s valuable resources, which include important fisheries, habitat, and infrastructure. Another important use for accurate elevation data in New Hampshire is in the evaluation of flood hazards and their potential environmental and infrastructure effects. This evaluation includes mapping of inundation and sediment transport, and assessing the associated costs of flooding. Addressing this challenge requires detailed knowledge of both surface topography and inland bathymetry. Other important activities having a substantial economic element and needing accurate elevation data include geologic resource assessment and hazard mitigation, urban and regional planning, infrastructure and construction management, and cultural resources preservation and management. Critical applications that meet the State’s management needs depend on light detection and ranging (lidar) data that provide a highly detailed three-dimensional model of the Earth’s surface and aboveground features.