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Blood lead concentrations in Alaskan tundra swans: linking breeding and wintering areas with satellite telemetry

April 7, 2014
Tundra swans (Cygnus columbianus) like many waterfowl species are susceptible to lead (Pb) poisoning, and Pb-induced mortality has been reported from many areas of their wintering range. Little is known however about Pb levels throughout the annual cycle of tundra swans, especially during summer when birds are on remote northern breeding areas where they are less likely to be exposed to anthropogenic sources of Pb. Our objective was to document summer Pb levels in tundra swans throughout their breeding range in Alaska to determine if there were population-specific differences in blood Pb concentrations that might pose a threat to swans and to humans that may consume them. We measured blood Pb concentrations in tundra swans at five locations in Alaska, representing birds that winter in both the Pacific Flyway and Atlantic Flyway. We also marked swans at each location with satellite transmitters and coded neck bands, to identify staging and wintering sites and determine if winter site use correlated with summer Pb concentrations. Blood Pb levels were generally low ( < 0.2 μg/ml) in swans across all breeding areas. Pb levels were lower in cygnets than adults, suggesting that swans were likely exposed to Pb on wintering areas or on return migration to Alaska, rather than on the summer breeding grounds. Blood Pb levels varied significantly across the five breeding areas, with highest concentrations in birds on the North Slope of Alaska (wintering in the Atlantic Flyway), and lowest in birds from the lower Alaska Peninsula that rarely migrate south for winter.
Publication Year 2014
Title Blood lead concentrations in Alaskan tundra swans: linking breeding and wintering areas with satellite telemetry
DOI 10.1007/s10646-014-1192-z
Authors Craig R. Ely, Christian Franson
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Ecotoxicology
Index ID 70101024
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Alaska Science Center; National Wildlife Health Center; Contaminant Biology Program
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