The Ground Water Atlas of the United States presents a comprehensive summary of the Nation's ground-water resources and is a basic reference for the location, geography, geology, and hydrologic characteristics of the major aquifers in the Nation. The information was collected by the U.S. Geological Survey and other agencies during the course of many years of study. Results of the Regional Aquifer-System Analysis Program, a systematic study of the Nation's major aquifers by the U.S. Geological Survey, were used as a major, but not exclusive, source of information of the Atlas.
The Atlas, which is designed in a graphical format that is supported by descriptive discussions, includes 13 chapters, each representing areas that collectively cover the 50 States and Puerto Rico, as well as the U.S. Virgin Islands. Each chapter of the Atlas presents and describes hydrogeologic and hydrologic conditions for the major aquifers in each regional area. The scale of the Atlas does not allow portrayal of minor features of the geology or hydrology of each aquifer presented, nor does it include detailed discussion of minor aquifers. Those readers who seek detailed local information for the aquifers will find extensive lists of references at the end of each chapter. The introductory chapter in this volume presents an overview of ground-water conditions Nationwide and gives an example of an aquifer in each of six hydrogeologic settings.