Submarine canyons, slope failures and mass transport processes in southern Cascadia
May 20, 2020
The marine turbidite record along the southern Cascadia Subduction Zone has been used to interpret paleoseismicity and suggest a shorter recurrence interval for large (>M7) earthquakes along this portion of the margin; however, the sources and pathways of these turbidity flows are poorly constrained. We examine the spatial distribution of sediment storage, downslope transport, and slope failures across the margin using multibeam bathymetry, sparker multichannel seismic and chirp subbottom data. Although deep-sea seismoturbidites are often linked to turbidity flows in submarine canyons, the morphology and stratigraphy of southern Cascadia suggests few of the canyons have been active sediment conduits during the recent sea level highstand. Stepped, intraslope basins trap most of the sediment from Rogue and Sixes canyons. Smith and Klamath canyons appear to be isolated, lower slope incisions with no connection to upper slope canyons or gullies. Aggradation and infilling of channels on the upper slope of Trinidad Canyon indicate limited sediment bypass during the Holocene. In contrast, there is evidence of extensive mass wasting of the lower slope, and non-channelized downslope flows outside of the canyon systems that appear to be likely sources of seismoturbidites in southern Cascadia, rather than routing of shelf sediment through submarine canyon systems.
Citation Information
Publication Year | 2020 |
Title | Submarine canyons, slope failures and mass transport processes in southern Cascadia |
DOI | 10.1144/SP500-2019-169 |
Authors | Jenna C. Hill, Janet Watt, Daniel S. Brothers, Jared W. Kluesner |
Publication Type | Article |
Publication Subtype | Journal Article |
Series Title | Geological Society, London, Special Publications |
Index ID | 70210742 |
Record Source | USGS Publications Warehouse |
USGS Organization | Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center |
Multichannel sparker seismic reflection data of USGS field activity 2018-658-FA collected between Cape Blanco and Cape Mendocino from 2018-10-04 to 2018-10-18
This data release contains processed high-resolution multichannel sparker seismic-reflection (MCS) data that were collected aboard Humboldt State University's R/V Coral Sea in October of 2018 on U.S. Geological Survey cruise 2018-658-FA on the shelf and slope between Cape Blanco, Oregon, and Cape Mendocino, California. MCS data were collected to characterize quaternary deformation and...
Jenna C Hill
Research Geologist
Research Geologist
Janet Watt
Research Geophysicist
Research Geophysicist
Danny Brothers
Research Geophysicist
Research Geophysicist
Jared Kluesner
Research Geophysicist
Research Geophysicist
Multichannel sparker seismic reflection data of USGS field activity 2018-658-FA collected between Cape Blanco and Cape Mendocino from 2018-10-04 to 2018-10-18
This data release contains processed high-resolution multichannel sparker seismic-reflection (MCS) data that were collected aboard Humboldt State University's R/V Coral Sea in October of 2018 on U.S. Geological Survey cruise 2018-658-FA on the shelf and slope between Cape Blanco, Oregon, and Cape Mendocino, California. MCS data were collected to characterize quaternary deformation and...
Jenna C Hill
Research Geologist
Research Geologist
Janet Watt
Research Geophysicist
Research Geophysicist
Danny Brothers
Research Geophysicist
Research Geophysicist
Jared Kluesner
Research Geophysicist
Research Geophysicist