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WiggleMatch: a spreadsheet for radiocarbon wiggle-matching

December 26, 2023
This spreadsheet enables statistical and visual wiggle-matching of sequential radiocarbon ages from a tree-ring chronology to the IntCal20 calibration curve. It will calculate and plot an optimal fit of the samples to the calibration curve and the user can then incrementally move the wiggle-match in time to see the effect in both goodness-of-fit statistics and visually on a graph. This is useful when exploring radiocarbon constraints of potential crossdate positions, considering systematic offsets in radiocarbon measurements, and checking for outlier data points. The spreadsheet is configured for up to 20 radiocarbon samples taken from single tree-rings and provides wiggle-matches for 4999 BP (i.e., 3050 BCE or -3049 CE) to the present (0 BP or 1950 CE).
Publication Year 2023
Title WiggleMatch: a spreadsheet for radiocarbon wiggle-matching
DOI 10.5066/P943CGPB
Authors David J. Barclay, Robert C Witter, Peter J Haeussler
Product Type Software Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Alaska Science Center
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