James Callegary
James Callegary is a Hydrologist in the Arizona Water Science Center, Tucson Office.
Abstracts and Presentations
Fandel, C., Callegary, J., Ferré, T., Norman, L., Scott, C., 2015, Evaluating the effect of gabions on vertical water flux in an ephemeral stream using wildlife cameras and temperature sensors: Annual Conference of the Society of Ecological Restoration – Southwest Chapter, November 20-22, 2015, Tucson, Arizona
Callegary, J., Norman, L., Wiele, S., 2015, A multidisciplinary and multi-method approach to assess the Hydrologic and Geomorphologica Effects of Watershed Restoration: Annual Conference of the Society of Ecological Restoration – Southwest Chapter, November 20-22, 2015, Tucson, Arizona
Callegary, J., Gray, F., Norman, L., Bultman, M., Heilman, J., 2015, Hydrology and water-budget components of an extensively-mined area using geophysics, geochemistry, rainfall-runoff- and sediment-transport modeling: 2015 NGWA Conference on Groundwater in Fractured Rock, September 28-29, 2015, Burlington, Vermont
Page, W.R., Gray, F., Menges, C.M., Berry, M.E., Cosca, M.A., and Callegary, J.B., 2011, Re-evaluating the stratigraphy, structure, and hydrogeology of the Miocene Nogales Formation, Upper Santa Cruz Basin, Southern Arizona and Northern Sonora, Mexico. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting in Minneapolis (9–12 October 2011)
Lincicome-Noriega, A.D., Callegary, J.B., and Brusseau, M.L. Analysis of Pollution Potential of the Upper San Pedro and Upper Santa Cruz Aquifers. The University of Arizona Institute of the Environment - Environmental Research Grad Blitz, November 8, 2011.
Callegary, James, Paretti, Nicholas, Beisner, Kimberly. Surface-to-groundwater transport of contaminants at Tumacácori National Historical Park. Arizona Hydrological Society September 19-21, 2011, Flagstaff, Arizona.
Felipe Caldeira, Laura M. Norman, James Callegary, and Floyd Gray. Nogales , Sonora, Mexico: Is there something in the Water? Santa Cruz River Researcher’s Day March 29, 2011.
Rose M. McAndrew, James B. Callegary, Mark L. Brusseau. Groundwater Contaminant Transport Modeling in the Upper Santa Cruz Basin. El Dia del Agua Student Symposium, University of Arizona, March 31, 2011, Tucson, Arizona. (Received $1000 first place Hargis Award for best poster presentation.)
Callegary, James, Nick Paretti, Floyd Gray, Laura Norman, Kim Beisner, Katie Eddelman, Logan Matti, Diana Papoulias, Charles van Riper, JR Bell, Rose McAndrew, Alexis Lincicome, Mark Brusseau, Dave Alvarez, Chris Scott, Prescott Vandervoet, and Sharon Megdal. 2011. Linking hydrology, geology, chemistry, and biology in the Upper Santa Cruz River Basin. Santa Cruz River Researcher’s Day, March 29, 2
Stewart, Anne M., Hoshin, V. Gupta, Goodrich, David C., Callegary, James C., and Montenegro, Ellen S. 2010. Optimized Numerical Modeling to Estimate Precipitation and Infiltration in Ephemeral Stream Channels, Southeast Arizona. Fall Meeting American Geophysical Union, Dec. 13-17, San Francisco, California.
Sharon Megdal, Roberto Sención, Christopher A. Scott, Florencio Díaz, Lucas Oroz, James Callegary, Robert G. Varady. Institutional Assessment of the Transboundary Santa Cruz and San Pedro Aquifers on the United States-Mexico Border: UNESCO-IAH-UNEP Conference, Paris, 6-8 December 2010.
Caldeira, Felipe, Norman, Laura M., Callegary, James, Nubes Ortiz, Gerardina, O’Rourke, Mary Kay, de Zapien, Jill, Gray, Floyd and Rosales, Cecilia, 2010, Water Quality and Health Analysis in Two Different Colonias of Nogales, Sonora, Mexico, [abs.], Arizona Hydrological Society, Sept 1-4, Tucson, Ariz.
Nie, Wenming, Yuan, Yongping, Norman, Laura M., Tallent-Halsell, Nita and Callegary, James, 2010, Assessing climate change impacts on surface water availability in the Upper Santa Cruz Watershed, [abs.], Arizona Hydrological Society, Sept 1-4, Tucson, Ariz.
Laura M. Norman, James Callegary, Charles van Riper III, Floyd Gray, Nicholas V. Paretti, and Miguel Villarreal. 2009. The Border Environmental Health Initiative: Investigation of the Transboundary Santa Cruz Watershed. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009.
Callegary, J., Withers, K., Gray, F., Page, W., Vandervoet, P., McAndrew, R., Caldeira, F., Scott, C., and Megdal, S. 2009. Desarrollo Inicial del Marco Hidrogeológico para el Lado Estadounidense de la Cuenca Alta del Río Santa Cruz. VII National Groundwater Congress of the Mexican Geohydrologic Association.
Rose M. McAndrew, James B. Callegary, Mark L. Brusseau, and Floyd Gray. 2009. Contaminant Transport and Predictive Modeling in the Upper Santa Cruz Basin. 2009 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting.
Callegary, J.B., Megdal, S.B., Scott, C.A., and Vandervoet, P. 2009. Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program. National Ground Water Association’s 2009 Ground Water Summit.
Laura M. Norman, James Callegary, Floyd Gray, Charles van Riper, Joseph J. Fontaine, and Anne Gartner. 2009. Border Environmental Health Initiative (BEHI): Investigation of the Transboundary Upper Santa Cruz Basin. National Ground Water Association’s 2009 Ground Water Summit.
Norman, Laura M., Burns, I. Shea, Levick, Lainie, and Callegary, James, 2009, Planning Land and Water-Resource Management in the Upper Santa Cruz Watershed, Arizona and Sonora, Mexico [abs.]: The Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG), March 22-27, Las Vegas, NV.
Stewart, A. M., Callegary, J. B., Smith, C. F., Wiele, S. M., Cordova, J. T., Fritzinger, R. A., and Gupta, H. V. 2008. Use of the Continuous Slope-Area Method to Estimate Runoff Through Ephemeral Stream Channels in SE Arizona. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008.
Semmens, D.J., W.G. Kepner, D.C. Goodrich, L.M. Norman, J.B. Callegary, and C. van Riper III, 2008, Applying the Ecosystem Services Concept for Environmental Management in the Upper San Pedro Basin, Arizona [abs.]: ACES, A Conference on Ecosystem Services, December 8-11, Naples, FL.
Stewart, A.M., James B. Callegary, James Leenhouts, and Hoshin Gupta. 2007. Modeling Recharge to the Ground-Water System through Ephemeral Stream Channels in and downstream of Sierra Vista, Upper San Pedro River Basin, Arizona, Regional Water Symposium, 20th Annual AHS Symposium, Tucson, Arizona (September, 2007).
Kurt Schonauer and James B. Callegary. 2007. Investigations of Rural Watersheds in Southeastern Arizona, Regional Water Symposium, 20th Annual AHS Symposium, Tucson, Arizona (September, 2007).
Pool, D.R., James B.Callegary, and R.W. Groom. Aerial Transient Electromagnetic Surveys of Alluvial Aquifers in Rural Watersheds of Arizona, United States, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California (December, 2006).
Gray, Floyd; Page, William R.; Kleinkopf, Merlin D.; Pool, Donald R.; Callegary, James; Wynn, Jeffrey C.; Maldonado, Florian; and Miller, Robert J., 2005, Geological and geophysical studies of the headwaters of the San Pedro River in northern Sonora, Mexico: Geological Society of America 37, no. 7, pp. 450.
Callegary, James B. and Ty P.A. Ferré. “Borehole Geophysics and Surface Electromagnetic Induction Surveys to Describe Ephemeral Channel Recharge in the Sierra Vista Subwatershed of the Upper San Pedro Basin”. Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California (December, 2001).