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Joshua Stafford, PhD

Assistant Unit Leader - South Dakota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

Joshua joined the South Dakota Unit in 2011 where he builds important research partnerships with agencies and organizations including South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks, North Dakota Game and Fish, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ducks Unlimited, Inc., and the Detla Waterfowl Foundation.  Joshua served as the Director of the Illinois Natural History Survey's Forbes Biological Station from 2004-2011, where I was Director of the Bellrose Waterfowl Reserach Center. Joshua leads research focused on ecology and management of Breeding and Migrating Waterfowl and other Waterbirds, with an emphasis on agro-ecosystems. Joshua advises about 20 graduate students and published over 58 peer-reviewed journal articles since 2022. Joshua teaches Wildlife Research Design, Behavioral Ecology, Ecology and Management of Waterfowl and Wetlands, Foraging Ecology, Habitat and Food Selection, Biometrics, and other courses at South Dakota State University 

Joshua received a B.S. in Wildlife Science from Oregon State University (1997), and M.S. in Wildlife Science from South Dakota State University (2000), and a Ph.D. in Forest Resources (Wildlife) from Mississippi State University (2004).