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Kurt R Newman, PhD

Kurt Newman is a Supervisory Fisheries Biologist stationed in Ann Arbor, MI.

Kurt received his B.S. from Michigan State University, M.S. from Virginia Tech, and returned to Michigan State University for his Ph.D. in Fisheries and Wildlife, focusing on fish population dynamics and habitat restoration. He has additional leadership, management, and research  experience in structure and function of aquatic ecosystems; interdisciplinary research of aquatic ecosystems; inter-jurisdictional management of fisheries and fish habitat programs; strategic planning and policy development in aquatic habitat restoration; impact of changing and dynamic watersheds and land use on aquatic ecosystems; impact of aquatic invasive species on conservation, protection and restoration of fish populations; the use of advanced technologies evaluating the impact of land use on aquatic ecosystems, fish habitat, and fish movement; modeling and quantitative methods in fisheries; fish population dynamics; and applied statistics.  Prior to starting his USGS career in 2009 with the Great Lakes Science Center (GLSC), he served in several leadership positions with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Division for 11-years.  In 2009 Kurt assumed the role of GLSC Deepwater Sciences Program Branch Chief where he has focused on supporting and maintaining the day-to-day operations of the Center and leading the direction of Branch science including delivering actionable science in the areas of prey fish population assessment, aquatic invasive species control, and native fish species restoration.