Idaho StreamStats
StreamStats for Idaho was developed in cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service, the Idaho Transportation Department, the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, and the Bureau of Reclamation.
Six reports document the regression equations available in StreamStats for Idaho, the errors associated with the estimates, and the methods used to develop the equations and to measure the basin characteristics used in the equations. The last report by Rea and Skinner (2009) includes full metadata descriptions and links to download the geospatial data sets used by StreamStats for Idaho. Users should familiarize themselves with these reports before using StreamStats to obtain estimates of streamflow statistics for ungaged sites.
- Hortness, J.E., and Berenbrock, Charles, 2001, Estimating Monthly and Annual Streamflow Statistics at Ungaged Sites in Idaho : U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources-Investigations Report 01-4093, 36 p.
- Hortness, J.E., and Berenbrock, Charles, 2004, Estimating the Magnitude of Bankfull Flows for Streams in Idaho: U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources-Investigations Report 03-4261, 37 p.
- Hortness, J.E., 2006, Estimating low-flow frequency statistics for unregulated streams in Idaho: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5035, 31 p.
- Wood, M.S., Rea, Alan, Skinner, K.D., and Hortness, J.E., 2009, Estimating locations of perennial streams in Idaho using a generalized least-squares regression model of 7-day, 2-year low flows: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5015, 26 p.
- Rea, Alan, and Skinner, K.D., 2009, Estimated perennial streams of Idaho and related geospatial datasets: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 412, 32 p.
- Wood, M.S., Fosness, R.L., Skinner, K.D., and Veilleux, A.G., 2016, Estimating peak-flow frequency statistics for selected gaged and ungaged sites in naturally flowing streams and rivers in Idaho: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2016–5083, 56 p.
Click on this link to obtain general information on the Idaho application, as well as specific sources and computation methods for basin characteristics.
NOTE: Idaho StreamStats can be used to obtain estimates of flow statistics from regression equations for portions of northwestern Utah and northeastern Nevada that drain northward to the Snake River in Idaho. The Idaho regression equations are considered more applicable in this area than the Utah equations. Estimates of flow statistics from the Utah regression equations are not available for this area using the Utah StreamStats application, and StreamStats is not implemented for Nevada. In the Idaho user interface, when the map is zoomed into scales of at least 1:4 million, the areas of Utah and Nevada where estimates of flow statistics can be obtained are not hatched. Hatching appears along all other border areas in those states to indicate that the Idaho regression equations are not applicable there.