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Wetland and Aquatic Research Center

WARC conducts relevant and objective research, develops new approaches and technologies, and disseminates scientific information needed to understand, manage, conserve, and restore wetlands and other aquatic and coastal ecosystems and their associated plant and animal communities throughout the nation and the world. 


Event: Explore USGS Careers in the Southeast 2024

Event: Explore USGS Careers in the Southeast 2024

USGS scientists find new relationship between elevation change and wetland loss in Mississippi River Delta

USGS scientists find new relationship between elevation change and wetland loss in Mississippi River Delta

Traversing the Sea for Science: How USGS Uses the Federal Fleet to Study Natural Hazards, Resources, and More

Traversing the Sea for Science: How USGS Uses the Federal Fleet to Study Natural Hazards, Resources, and More


Vegetation-generated turbulence does not impact the erosion of natural cohesive sediment

Previous studies have demonstrated that vegetation-generated turbulence can enhance erosion rate and reduce the velocity threshold for erosion of non-cohesive sediment. This study considered whether vegetation-generated turbulence had a similar influence on natural cohesive sediment. Cores were collected from a black mangrove forest with aboveground biomass and exposed to stepwise increases in vel
Autumn R. Deitrick, David K. Ralston, Christopher R. Esposito, Melissa Millman Baustian, Maricel Beltrán Burgos, Andrew J. Courtois, Heidi M. Nepf

Low-level dietary clothianidin exposure preferentially causes prepupal mortality of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus)

Data from prior research indicate the prepupal stage of the monarch butterfly life cycle is more sensitive to clothianidin exposure than the larval stage. A set of experiments was conducted to determine if the dietary clothianidin exposures that cause prepupal mortality are environmentally relevant. Monarch larvae were raised from egg to pupae on clothianidin-contaminated swamp milkweed plants (As
Timothy Bargar

Multidisciplinary characterisation of the biodiversity, geomorphology, oceanography and glacial history of Bowditch Seamount in the Sargasso Sea

The first multidisciplinary characterisation of Bowditch Seamount in the Sargasso Sea was conducted to provide new baseline knowledge of the biodiversity, geomorphology, oceanography and glacial history of this seamount. A dropframe camera transect 1483–1562 m deep on the seamount documented 77 megafaunal taxa including Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem indicator taxa such as sponges, cold-water corals,
Lea-Anne Henry, Igor Yashayaev, Claude Hillaire-Marcel, F. Javier Murillo, Ellen Kenchington, Struan Smith, Jenny Maccali, Jill Bourque, Louis L. Whitcomb, J. Murray Roberts


Geospatial Analysis and Data Collection along the U.S. – Mexico Border

USGS researchers will collect geospatial data that will help decision makers monitor and mitigate the direct and indirect impacts of border barrier construction on threatened and endangered species.

Geospatial Analysis and Data Collection along the U.S. – Mexico Border

USGS researchers will collect geospatial data that will help decision makers monitor and mitigate the direct and indirect impacts of border barrier construction on threatened and endangered species.
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Investigation of an Historic Seabed Mining Site on the Blake Plateau: Environmental Impacts following the 1970 Testing of Seabed Mining Equipment on the Blake Plateau- Quantification of Benthic Communities Across Disturbance Gradients

USGS researchers will characterize the ecology of benthic communities associated with deep-sea environments, including hardground features and adjacent soft sediments, and will build upon previous work conducted in areas off the U.S. east coast under consideration for oil and gas leases.

Investigation of an Historic Seabed Mining Site on the Blake Plateau: Environmental Impacts following the 1970 Testing of Seabed Mining Equipment on the Blake Plateau- Quantification of Benthic Communities Across Disturbance Gradients

USGS researchers will characterize the ecology of benthic communities associated with deep-sea environments, including hardground features and adjacent soft sediments, and will build upon previous work conducted in areas off the U.S. east coast under consideration for oil and gas leases.
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Surface Elevation and Accretion Monitoring for the Maurepas Swamp Alternative-2 Mitigation Project

USGS will install and maintain up to six rod surface-elevation table (RSET) rods and paired accretion monitoring stations at the location of the Maurepas Swamp Alternative-2 Mitigation Project.

Surface Elevation and Accretion Monitoring for the Maurepas Swamp Alternative-2 Mitigation Project

USGS will install and maintain up to six rod surface-elevation table (RSET) rods and paired accretion monitoring stations at the location of the Maurepas Swamp Alternative-2 Mitigation Project.
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