Ready for more computing power?
Learn about our supercomputers and other High Performance Computing (HPC) resources.
Hovenweep now available!
Our newest supercomputer, Hovenweep, replaces Yeti and serves as the workhorse supercomputer for general-purpose HPC workloads.
Polar Bear Research
Scientists use USGS supercomputer to predict the effects of declining sea ice on polar bear behavior.
Walrus Tracking Study
USGS scientists track walrus interactions with marine traffic using our supercomputers.
Advanced Research Computing (ARC)
Our goal is to provide high-performance computing (HPC) capabilities and expertise to scientists for the acceleration and expansion of scientific discovery.
The Advanced Research Computing (ARC) group is part of the Core Science Systems (CSS) mission area under the Science Analytics and Synthesis (SAS) program.
We provide access to high-performance computing resources as well as training and consultation for effective use of these powerful systems.
For more information or help getting started, contact us at