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On September 18, 2018, Congressman Jimmy Panetta (20th district, California) and staffer Emmanuel Garcia visited the USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center in Santa Cruz.

A man points out something on a map, to another man who looks on.
Geologist Danny Brothers, left, gives a briefing to Congressman Panetta.

Director Guy Gelfenbaum and Deputy Director Nadine Golden gave the visitors an overview of Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center activities, and several scientists provided briefings. Topics included landslides and coastal sediment, deep ocean minerals, beach and seafloor mapping in Monterey Bay, modeling of coastal flooding by storms and sea-level rise, climate-change threats to Pacific atoll islands, offshore faults and related hazards, deep-sea corals, and remote sensing to study coastal change. Congressman Panetta asked numerous questions during the two-hour visit.

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