Geophyiscal survey of Lake Powell, UT-AZ
Develop a new bathymetry map of Lake Powell, UT-AZ, and characterize shallow sediment deposition near the mouths of the San Juan and Colorado Rivers. Bathymetric data, acoustic backscatter imagery, and limited CHIRP sub-bottom data were collected by the USGS Utah Water Science Center (UTWSC) and Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC) within Lake Powell, October - November, 2017.
The USGS Utah Water Science Center and the Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted a collaborative geophysical research effort within Lake Powell, UT-AZ to map the bathymetry of the lake and characterize shallow sediment deposition near the mouths of the San Juan and Colorado Rivers. Multibeam echo sounder and chirp sub-bottom data were collected during a six-week field effort in October - November, 2017. This study will provide information to the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Colorado River water users, and the U.S. National Park Service to improve management of water resources in the Colorado River Basin and Lake Powell. The newly acquired data will be used as part of the foundation for new area/volume tables for the reservoir, that will be incorporated into water management models and used to improve water budget models. Additionally, these data will assist the National Park Service in managing Lake Powell's recreation and natural resources.
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