National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) Leads Meeting on the Future of Earthquake Research and Monitoring
What are the next goals for the NEIC?
During the week of 9/24, the USGS National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) led a USGS Powell Center meeting on the future of earthquake research and monitoring. The meeting brought together domestic and international researchers and network representatives interested in improving earthquake monitoring and characterization. The primary goals were to build a list of priorities and to begin outlining how these changes will be implemented, and to improve communication and coordination among regional and international earthquake monitoring agencies. In a short but intense week of work, an enthusiastic group of 35 experts set the groundwork for achieving these goals by identifying six key priorities for monitoring efforts, split into short-, medium-, and long-term targets. Focus groups have been formed to coordinate continued efforts, and the outcomes of the meeting will be folded into the NEIC’s strategic plan, as well as an article co-authored this Powell Center Working Group. A smaller subgroup will reconvene in about a year to begin implementation of targeted priorities. The intimate setting offered by the Powell Center was precisely that needed to facilitate this process and allowed the meeting to be a success.
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