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The Alaska Science Center Data Repository, a USGS Trusted Digital Repository, provides public access to the digital data from our research. See below for featured data sets and a list of all data releases from the USGS Alaska Science Center. All USGS released data sets are also listed in the USGS Science Data Catalog.

Filter Total Items: 467

Walrus Haulout and In-water Activity Levels Relative to Vessel Interactions in the Chukchi Sea, 2012-2015

These data were used to evaluate effects of vessel exposure on Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) behaviors. We obtained greater than 120,000 hours of location and behavior (foraging, in-water not foraging, hauled out) data from 218 satellite-tagged walruses and linked them to vessel locations from the marine Automated Information System. This yielded 206 vessel-exposed walrus telemetry

Soil and Vegetation Data from Lake-Margin Wetlands in the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge

This data release includes six child items of soil and vegetation data from lake margin soils of the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska. Data includes multiple lakes that are defined as either stable or drying. Lake margin vegetation communities include graminoid, shrub, and forest. Sols are separated into organic and mineral layers. Microbial data includes different phospholipid fatty a

Detection of Multiple Fish Species Using Environmental DNA (eDNA), Alaska 2018

This release provides results of an environmental DNA (eDNA) study of fish identified in seven Alaskan lakes, three streams, and a positive control. Samples included replicates for multiple sampling dates and locations. The reference list and conserved primer sets to identify species present were developed using publicly available data ( Highly conserved prim

Water Surfaces Elevations from Pressure Transducers on the Tanana River near Fairbanks, Alaska, 2016

This dataset includes locations, and water surface elevations from two submersible pressure transducers deployed in the channel of the Tanana River downstream of Fairbanks Alaska in 2016.

Data Supporting Studies of Brant and Other Waterfowl Disturbance Behavior, Distribution, and Diet at Izembek Lagoon, Alaska, 1985-1988

This data package presents legacy data collected during 1985-1988 at Izembek Lagoon on the western end of the Alaska Peninsula. The data were collected in support of a multi-year study focused on aircraft disturbance of waterfowl, particularly Black Brant, Emperor Geese, and Cackling Geese. The study was conducted at Izembek Lagoon and included several study sites within the lagoon: Halfway Point,

Sampling Data for Eelgrass (Zostera marina) in Norma Bay, Izembek Lagoon, Alaska, 1987

These data are related to surveys of eelgrass beds in Norma Bay, Izembek Lagoon, Alaska. The table provides eelgrass shoot lengths and density measurements from sampling in September 1987.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Tracking Data for Steller's Eiders (Polysticta stelleri)

This data release includes 2 child items with tracking data for Steller's Eider, a species of seaduck that breeds throughout the circumpolar Arctic and spends the winter in coastal areas of western and southwestern Alaska. The Alaska-breeding population is listed as threatened under provisions of the Endangered Species Act. Child Item 1: "U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Argos Satellite Tracking Dat

Juvenile Shorebird Morphological Data Collected in Alaska and Canada

This dataset consists of shorebird chick measurements (wing, primary feather 10, diagonal tarsus, and bill length) and body mass for various shorebird species captured in Alaska and Canada during 1978-2022. Researchers with the U.S. Geological Survey - Alaska Science Center, and collaborators from many government agencies and research institutions have studied shorebirds at numerous sites across N

Polar Bear Continuous Time-Correlated Random Walk (CTCRW) Location Data Derived from Satellite Location Data, Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, July-November 1985-2017

his dataset consists of one table with estimated locations of adult female polar bears during July-November 1985-2017, used for quantifying changes in summer land use over time. Locations were estimated with a Continuous Time-Correlated Random Walk (CTCRW) model fit to satellite tracking from radio-collared adult female polar bears. All bears included in this data set were captured and instrumente

Serological Survey Data for Francisella tularensis and Brucella spp. Exposure in Wildlife on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska

This dataset consists of one table with diagnostic screening results from a study of Francisella tularensis bacteria exposure in tundra-nesting geese and mammals and Brucella spp. exposure in mammals sampled from multiple locations on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska, 2014-2017. The table provides sample collection and location data of geese, arctic fox, red fox, caribou, small mammal, and polar

Water Surfaces Elevations During an Outburst Flood from Pressure Transducers at Snow River, Alaska, 2019

This dataset includes locations, pressure readings, and baro-corrected water surface elevations from three submersible pressure transducers deployed in the channel and floodplain of Snow River during the 2019 glacial lake outburst flood.

Uranium-Lead Ages, Hafnium Isotope Ratios, and Trace Element Concentrations by Laser-Ablation Split Stream (LASS) Analysis of Igneous Zircons from the Darby Mountains Area, Seward Peninsula, Alaska

This data set contains uranium-lead (U-Pb) isotopic data and ages, hafnium (Hf) isotope data, and trace element concentrations of zircon from igneous rocks collected from the Darby Mountains area of the Seward Peninsula, Alaska. The sample suite was collected as part of geological mapping and supporting geochemical and geochronological analysis conducted in 2017. The data tables accompanying this
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