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Hydrologic technicians (or hydrotechs) from the USGS California Water Science Center were recently featured on Sacramento News Channel ABC10.

The story was part of ABC10’s “Bartell’s Backroads” series, where reporter John Bartell visits unique sites throughout the state.

The focus was the Bend Bridge monitoring station, near the city of Red Bluff. The Bend Bridge station is home to one of the longest streamgage cableways on the West Coast. 

Shots of USGS hydrotechs from ACB10 KXTV news story.
USGS Hydrotechs Jon Ferguson, Corey Trent, and Brandon Ledbetter, from the USGS Field Office in Redding, CA. (Photos courtesy of ABC10 KXTV News, Sacramento, CA.)

In addition to describing the cableway, hydrotechs Jon Ferguson, Corey Trent, and Brandon Ledbetter, from the USGS Redding Field Office, explained the work they do, as part of their regular visits to USGS monitoring stations. 

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