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The U.S. Geological Survey operates and maintains approximately 7,300 streamgages nationwide (558 in Florida and 124 in Puerto Rico) which provide long-term, accurate, and unbiased information that meets the needs of many diverse users.  

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Conductivity, temperature, and salinity data for the Miami Pockmark and Key Biscayne Pockmark

Conductivity, temperature, and salinity data were collected from two offshore submarine pockmarks, Miami Pockmark and Key Biscayne Pockmark. A series of dives were performed to gather conductivity, temperature, and salinity data using an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) with a Conductivity, Temperature and Depth (CDT) instrument. These data were collected between May 5-8, 2016 using a Bluefin B

o FTLOADDS (combined SWIFT2D surface-water model and SEAWAT groundwater model) simulator used to Repurpose a Hindcast Simulation of the 1926 Great Miami Hurricane using the South Florida Peninsula for the Biscayne and Southern Everglades Coastal Transport

The previously developed Biscayne and Southern Everglades Coastal Transport (BISECT) model, which combines a three-dimensional groundwater model with a two-dimensional hydrodynamic surface-water model with variable-density solute-transport (, was used to evaluate the hydrologic response to historical and hypothesized modern hurricane strikes. Simulations wer

Data for Bathymetric Survey and Sedimentation Analysis of Lago Carite, Puerto Rico, January 2018

This data release contains spatial data associated with the bathymetric survey and sedimentation analysis of Lago Carite in January 2018. During January 23-30, 2018, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, conducted a bathymetric survey of Lago Carite primarily to update estimates of the contemporary reservoir storage capacity and sedimentation rat

GIS shapefile and related summary data describing irrigated agricultural land-use in Citrus, Hernando, Pasco, and Sumter Counties, Florida for 2019

The GIS shapefile and summary tables provide irrigated agricultural land-use for Citrus, Hernando, Pasco, and Sumter Counties, Florida through a cooperative project between the U.S Geological Survey (USGS) and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS), Office of Agricultural Water Policy. Information provided in the shapefile includes the location of irrigated land field

Evaporation at Reedy Lake, daily data, Orange County, Florida, November 28,2001 - December 16, 2019

The data consists of daily evaporation measurements/estimates for the time period November 28, 2001 to December 16, 2019. These data are derived from Bowen ratio energy budget computations of actual evaporation based on meteorological and water temperature data at the USGS Reedy Lake evaporation station (USGS station number 282458081364800). This station is located near the center of a lake within

Data and Shapefiles for the Potentiometric Surface of the South Coast Aquifer and Hydrologic Conditions in the Santa Isabel area, Puerto Rico, March-April 2014

A groundwater-level survey and reconnaissance of the hydrologic conditions in the coastal alluvial plain of southern Puerto Rico was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources. The objective of the field survey was to delineate the potentiometric surface of the coastal alluvial aquifer between the Rio Descalabrado

Data tables summarizing the source-specific estimated water withdrawals in Florida by category, county, and water management district, 2015.

In 2015, the total amount of water withdrawn in Florida was estimated at 15,319 million gallons per day (Mgal/d). This includes 9,598 Mgal/d of saline water and 5,721 Mgal/d of fresh water. Groundwater accounted for 3,604 Mgal/d and surface water accounted for 2,117 Mgal/d of the fresh water withdrawals. Surface water accounted for 9,400 Mgal/d and groundwater 198 Mgal/d of the saline water withdr

Potential Accumulation of Soil Organic Matter from Carbon Cycling within Greater Everglades Cypress and Pine Forested Wetlands data

These data quantify components of the carbon cycle within Big Cypress National Preserve in Florida. Continuous data time-series include net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide, methanogenesis, and soil bulk density.

Time Series Electromagnetic Induction-Log Datasets, Including Logs Collected through the 2018 Water Year in South Florida

Time series electromagnetic induction-log (TSEMIL) datasets are collected from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) cased or uncased monitoring wells to evaluate changes in water conductivity over time. TSEMIL datasets consist of a series of individual electromagnetic induction logs collected at a frequency of months or years that have been compiled into a dataset by eliminating small uniform offsets in bulk

Sedimentation survey data for Lago Guayabal, December 2017

This data release contains spatial data associated with the sedimentation survey of Lago Guayabal conducted during the period December 11- December 14, 2017 by the Puerto Rico office of the Caribbean-Florida Water Science Center (CFWSC) of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The goals of the survey were to determine reservoir infill sedimentation rates, generate a bathymetric map of the reservoir,

Evapotranspiration within Blue Cypress Marsh, Vero Beach, Florida, 2015 to 2018

he dataset consists of a table in Excel format of daily evapotranspiration (ET) from 12/1/2015 to 6/13/2018 at ET station within the Blue Cypress Marsh Conservation Area near Vero Beach, Florida. Evapotranspiration was estimated using eddy-covariance methods. Data processing followed methods outlined by Shoemaker and others (2011). Ancillary data includes net radiation, latent heat, sensible heat,

FTLOADDS (combined SWIFT2D surface-water model and SEAWAT groundwater model) simulator used to assess proposed sea-level rise response and water-resource management plans for the hydrologic system of the South Florida Peninsula for the Biscayne and Southe

The Biscayne and Southern Everglades Coastal Transport(BISECT) model combines a three-dimensional groundwater model with a two-dimensional hydrodynamic surface-water model with variable-density solute-transport. Input data files containing parameters and boundary condtions for groundwater and surface-water were developed for the calibrated model, represnting conditions from 1996 to 2004. Input dat
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