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CERC Toxicology Branch Capabilities

Toxicologists at CERC study the bioavailability, bioaccumulation, and toxicity of chemicals and other stressors on aquatic organisms. 

Toxicologist conducting a toxicity bioassay
Toxicologist conducting a toxicity bioassay.

Current areas of research include:

Toxicity Testing.   Developing new water and sediment bioassay methods to assess toxicity.



Emerging Chemicals.  Determining the bioaccumulation and aquatic toxicity of emerging chemicals such as per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and the tire chemical 6PPD-quinone.



Major Ion Toxicity.   Investigating the aquatic effects of major ions associated with energy production, wastewater, and enrichment in water scarce ecosystems.

Adult Arkansas Brokenray mussel luring a Largemouth Bass
Adult Arkansas Brokenray mussel luring a Largemouth Bass


Effects of Sediment on Aquatic Ecosystems.  Developing thresholds for physical effects of sediments on aquatic species.


Science Support for Others.  Our research is applied to assess environmental contamination, bioavailability, and toxicity to inform risk within environmental risk assessment and utilized for injury determination in support of the DOI's Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration Program.





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