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CERC makes scientific data available to the public through the USGS ScienceBase catalog. Our most recent data releases are highlighted below.  If you need assistance in locating specific data, please contact the CERC Natural Resources Data Management Specialist or the CERC Librarian.

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Physical characteristics of pallid sturgeon and shovelnose sturgeon eggs

This dataset describes the diameter, shape, settling velocity, and specific gravity of eggs from 9 female pallid sturgeon and 14 female shovelnose sturgeon as determined in laboratory studies. Pallid sturgeon and shovelnose sturgeon are believed to broadcast demersal eggs in the current, near the river bed over coarse substrate. It is hypothesized that eggs settle immediately following fertilizati

Orthoimagery and elevation data derived from UAS imagery for the Midnight Meadows management area, Carson National Forest, 2018

Point cloud data set (.las), Digital Elevation Model (DEM, .tif) and orthoimagery (.tif) for the USFS Midnight Meadows fen area during initial stages of cattle exclosure and stream restoration. Aerial images of fens at the Midnight Meadows management area of Carson National Forest, New Mexico were collected on 12 September, 2018 using Unoccupied Aerial Systems (UAS, or "drones"). Data were process

Physical, Chemical, and Bioassay Data from the Study on Effects of Elevated Major Ions in Surface Water Contaminated by a Produced Water from Oil Production

This dataset characterizes sensitivity of fathead minnow and a unionid mussel to elevated major ions in produced water from oil and gas extraction process.

Survival and growth of rainbow trout and warm water fishes exposed to selected contaminants

Results of acute and chronic exposure of rainbow trout and warm water fish to metals and other toxicants.

Pallid sturgeon seasonal habitat selection in a large free-flowing river, the lower Mississippi River, 2009-2015-Data

The data was collected at two lower Mississippi River sites and consists of year round pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus capture attributes (including habitat type at capture location) from 116 telemetry-tagged fish and habitat area estimation for the sites.

Pallid Sturgeon Spawning Habitat in the Lower Missouri River

Lack of reproduction has been hypothesized to be a factor in the decline of the pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) through much of its range. Spawning habitat and behavior have only recently been documented on the Lower Missouri River, which comprises over 1,300 river kilometers of undammed river. This data consists of habitat measurements for ten pallid sturgeon spawning events from 2008-2013

Semi-automated and manual enumeration of bigheaded carps from recreational-grade side-scan sonar imagery, Perche Creek, MO, 2018

The dataset consists of count data derived from a series of sonar images. The data are fish counts per image from 1) a computerized process to extract fish counts, and 2) three manual assessors. Each image has a total of four associated fish counts.

Field spectra, UAS-based hyperspectral and RGB images, and in situ measurements of turbidity and Rhodamine WT dye concentration from an experiment conducted at the USGS Columbia Environmental Research Center, Columbia, MO, on April 2, 2019

This data release includes field spectra, UAS-based hyperspectral and RGB images, and in situ measurements of turbidity and Rhodamine WT dye concentration acquired during an experiment performed at the USGS Columbia Environmental Research Center, near Columbia, Missouri, on April 2, 2019. The purpose of the experiment was to assess the feasibility of inferring concentrations of a visible dye (Rho

Survival and hydrodynamic behavior of grass carp eggs and larvae in relation to turbulence and in-stream obstructions

Data collected from a comprehensive set of hydrodynamic experiments conducted with live grass carp eggs and larvae, to evaluate drifting and swimming patterns with 3 different in-stream obstructions: (1) a gravel bump, (2) a single cylinder, and (3) submerged vegetation. The hydrodynamic behavior of eggs and larvae with each obstruction was continuously monitored for about 85 consecutive hours. Tr

Segment-scale classification, large rivers of the Upper Midwest United States

This dataset is part of a multi-scale assessment and classification for segments of 15 rivers of the Upper Midwest United States that meet various criteria for largeness. All rivers are tributary to the Mississippi River system. The 11,600 kilometers (km) that qualified as large were parsed into 10-kilometer-long segments and classified by major alterations (free-flowing, navigation pools, storage
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