eMODIS Global LST Data Dictionary
The Data Dictionaries are a set of information describing the contents, format, and structure of elements for EarthExplorer products.
- Field Definition: The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center is the organization responsible for maintenance and distribution of this data collection.
- Field Definition: The first day of data acquisition for the source data at the start of the collection period. The begin date and end date are used to indicate the date range for the product.
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in decimal degrees for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Latitude Format Decimal Degrees: -90.000 through 90.000
Longitude Format Decimal Degrees: -180.000 through 180.000
Number of decimal places will vary by dataset – check collection in EE.
Coordinates Degrees, Minutes, Seconds
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in degrees, minutes, and seconds for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Longitude Format:
DDD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 180
MM = Minute(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with E for east and W for west
Latitude Format:
DD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 90
MM = Minutes(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with N for north and S for south
- Field Definition: The last day of data acquisition for the source data at the end of the collection period. The begin date and end date are used to indicate the date range for the product.
- Field Definition: The naming convention of each file is based on product attributes.
EM = Dataset Designator (eMODIS)
GLST = Global Land Surface Temperature
P = Platform: A = AQUA
YYYYMMDD = Begin date of cycle
yyyymmdd= End date of cycle
V = Version of source data
- Field Definition: The method of representing the surface of the earth on a plane using grid lines of latitude and longitude.
- Field Definition: The pixel resolution in meters.
- Field Definition: The Terra and Aqua satellites carry the MODIS sensor.
- Field Definition: The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is the instrument on the satellite used to acquire the source data for the product.
- Field Definition: The version of MODIS source data used to create the product. The original eMODIS Global LST data set was processed using MODIS Version/Collection 5 source data.
The Data Dictionaries are a set of information describing the contents, format, and structure of elements for EarthExplorer products.
- Field Definition: The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center is the organization responsible for maintenance and distribution of this data collection.
- Field Definition: The first day of data acquisition for the source data at the start of the collection period. The begin date and end date are used to indicate the date range for the product.
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in decimal degrees for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Latitude Format Decimal Degrees: -90.000 through 90.000
Longitude Format Decimal Degrees: -180.000 through 180.000
Number of decimal places will vary by dataset – check collection in EE.
Coordinates Degrees, Minutes, Seconds
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in degrees, minutes, and seconds for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Longitude Format:
DDD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 180
MM = Minute(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with E for east and W for west
Latitude Format:
DD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 90
MM = Minutes(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with N for north and S for south
- Field Definition: The last day of data acquisition for the source data at the end of the collection period. The begin date and end date are used to indicate the date range for the product.
- Field Definition: The naming convention of each file is based on product attributes.
EM = Dataset Designator (eMODIS)
GLST = Global Land Surface Temperature
P = Platform: A = AQUA
YYYYMMDD = Begin date of cycle
yyyymmdd= End date of cycle
V = Version of source data
- Field Definition: The method of representing the surface of the earth on a plane using grid lines of latitude and longitude.
- Field Definition: The pixel resolution in meters.
- Field Definition: The Terra and Aqua satellites carry the MODIS sensor.
- Field Definition: The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is the instrument on the satellite used to acquire the source data for the product.
- Field Definition: The version of MODIS source data used to create the product. The original eMODIS Global LST data set was processed using MODIS Version/Collection 5 source data.