Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS Collection 1 Data Dictionary
The Data Dictionaries are a set of information describing the contents, format, and structure of elements for EarthExplorer products.
- Field Definition: The year, month and day that the scene was acquired.
- Field Definition: The name of the Bias Parameter File containing the radiometric correction parameters applied during Level-1 processing of OLI data.
- Field Definition: The name of the Bias Parameter File containing the radiometric correction parameters applied during Level-1 processing of TIRS data.
- Field Definition: The name of the Calibration Parameter File containing the radiometric and geometric coefficients used to process the raw, uncorrected Landsat OLI/TIRS image data.
- Field Definition: Landsat Collection 1 is organized by a tiered inventory structure to indicate the quality and level of processing of the data.
T1 = Tier 1 is the highest available quality and processing level. This category is suitable for time-series analysis across the different Landsat sensors.
T2 = Tier 2 scenes contain significant cloud cover and have insufficient ground control to generate precision and terrain corrected products.
RT = Real-Time indicates initial processing with additional processing required to achieve Tier 1 or Tier 2.
- Field Definition: Landsat Collections provides a quality controlled selection of radiometrically calibrated and consistently geolocated data with sufficiently geographically aligned pixels to support time series analysis through the full Landsat record.
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in decimal degrees for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Latitude Format Decimal Degrees: -90.000 through 90.000
Longitude Format Decimal Degrees: -180.000 through 180.000
Number of decimal places will vary by dataset – check collection in EE.
Coordinates - Degrees, Minutes, Seconds
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in degrees, minutes, and seconds for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Longitude Format:
DDD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 180
MM = Minute(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with E for east and W for west
Latitude Format:
DD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 90
MM = Minutes(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with N for north and S for south
Corner Latitude and Longitude Product
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude value (degrees) are provided for the upper left corner (northwest corner for descending coverage / southeast corner for ascending coverage) of the product including the black fill. In the case of non-Earth or ancillary-only intervals, zero (0) is used as a placeholder.
Corner Upper Left (UL) Product Latitude
Corner Upper Left (UL) Product Longitude
Corner Upper Right (UR) Product Latitude
Corner Upper Right (UR) Product Longitude
Corner Lower Left (LL) Corner Latitude
Corner Lower Left (LL) Corner Longitude
Corner Lower Right (LR) Corner Latitude
Corner Lower Right (LR) Corner Longitude
Latitude Format:
dd.ddddd (DDMMSS.SSH)
dd.ddddd = Decimal Degrees*
DD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 90
MM = Minutes(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with N for north and S for south
* A positive (+) value indicates geographic North latitude. A negative (-) value indicates geographic South latitude.
Latitude Example:
42.74227 (42°44'32.17"N)
Longitude Format:
ddd.ddddd (DDDMMSS.SSH)
ddd.ddddd = Decimal Degrees**
DDD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 180
MM = Minute(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with E for east and W for west
** A positive (+) value indicates geographic East longitude. A negative (-) value indicates geographic West longitude.
Longitude Example:
-122.20707 (122°12'25.45"W)
- Field Definition: Data Type Level-1 indicates the highest level of correction that has been applied to the scene.
L1GS = Systematic Correction (Level-1GS) provides systematic, radiometric, and geometric accuracy, which is derived from data collected by the sensor.
L1GT = Systematic Terrain Correction (Level-1GT) provides systematic, radiometric, and geometric accuracy, while employing a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for topographic accuracy.
L1TP = Precision Terrain Correction (Level-1TP) provides systematic, radiometric, and geometric accuracy by incorporating ground control points while employing a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for topographic accuracy.
- Field Definition: The most recent date that the Level-1 Product has been produced.
- Field Definition: The horizontal reference system associated with the image.
WGS84 = World Geodetic System 1984
- Field Definition: This field indicates whether the data was acquired during a daytime or nighttime pass.
DAY = Day scene
NIGHT = Night scene
- Field Definition: The reference ellipsoid used to map the data.
WGS84 = World Geodetic System 1984
- Field Definition: Combined RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) of the geometric residuals (meters) in both across-track and along-track directions measured on the GCPs (Ground Control Points) used in geometric precision correction.
- Field Definition: RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) of the geometric residuals (meters) measured on the GCPs (Ground Control Points) used in geometric precision correction in the along-track direction.
- Field Definition: RMSE of the geometric residuals (meters) measured on the GCPs used in geometric precision correction in the across-track direction.
- Field Definition: Grid cell size (meters) used in creating the image for the panchromatic band.
- Field Definition: Grid cell size (meters) used in creating the image for the reflective band.
- Field Definition: Grid cell size (meters) used in creating the image for the thermal band.
- Field Definition: The number of ground control points used in the verification of the terrain corrected product.
-1 to 1615
-1 = Not calculated or assessed
- Field Definition: The version number of the ground control points used in the verification of the terrain corrected product.
-1, 1, 2, 3, etc.
-1 = Not calculated or assessed
- Field Definition: The composite image quality for the scene. If the scene is OLI or OLI_TIRS combined, the value will reflect OLI quality score. The TIRS quality score will be used for TIRS.
9 = Best
0 = Worst
-1 = Image quality not calculated or assessed
- Field Definition: Land Cloud Cover is the percentage of land image data that is obscured by clouds.
0.00 through 100.00 percent where -1 = Cloud Cover not calculated or assessed.
- Field Definition: The naming convention of each L8 OLI/TIRS Collection 1 Level-1 image is based on acquisition and processing parameters.
L = Landsat
X = Sensor (O = Operational Land Imager, T = Thermal Infrared Sensor, C = Combined OLI/TIRS)
SS = Satellite (08 = Landsat 8)
LLLL = Processing Correction Level (L1TP = precision and terrain, L1GT = systematic terrain, L1GS = systematic)
PPP = WRS Path
YYYYMMDD = Acquisition Date expressed in Year, Month, Day
yyyymmdd = Processing Date expressed in Year, Month, Day
CC = Collection Number (01)
TX = Collection Category (RT = Real Time, T1 = Tier 1, T2 = Tier 2)
Example: LC08_L1TP_073090_20160910_20161105_01_T1
- Field Definition: The Pre-Collection naming convention of each L8 image is based on acquisition parameters. This was the naming convention used prior to Collection 1.
L = Landsat
X = Sensor (O = Operational Land Imager, T = Thermal Infrared Sensor, C = Combined OLI/TIRS)
S = Satellite (08 = Landsat 8)
PPP = WRS Path
YYYY = Year of Acquisition
DDD = Julian Day of Acquisition
GSI = Ground Station Identifier
VV = Version
Example: LC80730902016254LGN00
- Field Definition: The method used to represent the 3-dimensional surface of the earth for the Level-1 product.
PS = Polar Stereographic
UTM = Universal Transverse Mercator
- Field Definition: The viewing geometry of the satellite during data acquisition is indicated by Nadir (straight down) or Off Nadir (sideways looking).
- Field Definition: Orientation used in creating the image.
NOMINAL = Nominal Path
NORTH_UP = North Up
TRUE_NORTH = True North
USER = User
- Field Definition: Data format available for download.
GEOTIFF = Geostationary Earth Orbit Tagged Image File Format
- Field Definition: Number of product lines for the panchromatic band (Band 8).
- Field Definition: Number of product samples for the panchromatic band (Band 8).
- Field Definition: Name and version of the processing software used to generate the Level-1 product.
- Field Definition: Number of product lines for the reflective bands.
- Field Definition: Number of product samples for the reflective bands.
- Field Definition: Resampling option used in creating the image.
NEAREST_NEIGHBOR = Nearest Neighbor
CUBIC_CONVOLUTION = Cubic Convolution
MODULATION_TRANSFER_FUNCTION = Modulation Transfer Function
BILINEAR = Bilinear
KAISER DAMPED = Kaiser Damped
16_POINT_SINC = 16-point sinc (sin(x)/(x)
8_POINT_SINC = 8-point sinc (sin(x)/(x)
DAMPED_WINDOW = Damped Window
- Field Definition: The name of the Response Linearization Look Up Tables (RLUT) file containing a mapping look up table to linearize the output of the OLI detectors.
- Field Definition: The amount of spacecraft roll at scene center. Positive roll is to the port side of the spacecraft and the negative roll is to the starboard side. A non-zero value indicates an Off Nadir acquisition.
-90.000 through +90.000
- Field Definition: Scene Cloud Cover is the percentage of the scene that is obscured by clouds.
0.00 through 100.00 percent where -1 = Cloud Cover not calculated or assessed.
- Field Definition: The sensor used to capture the Landsat 8 data.
OLI = Operational Land Imager
TIRS = Thermal Infrared Sensor
OLI_TIRS = Operational Land Imager/Thermal Infrared Sensor
- Field Definition: Acquisition year, Julian day and GMT spacecraft start time of either the first major frame of the interval or the start of a WRS scene
YYYY = Four digit year
DDD = Julian day of year
HH = Hour (00-23)
MI = Minute
SS.SSSSSSS = Fractional seconds
- Field Definition: The Station Identifier is the original ground receiving station to which the data was downlinked from the Landsat satellite. The list below is specific to the Landsat 8 ground stations that are currently populated in the USGS EROS database. A complete list of Landsat ground stations can be found at
ASA = Alice Springs, Australia
BJC = Beijing, China
BKT = Bangkok, Thailand
COA = Cordoba, Argentina
CUB = Cuiaba, Brazil
DKI = Parepare, Indonesia
GLC = Gilmore Creek, Alaska, USA
JSA = Hartebeesthoek, South Africa
KHC = KaShi, China
KIS = Kiruna, Sweden
KUJ = Kumamoto, Japan
LBG = Libreville, Gabon
LGN = Landsat Ground Network
LGS = Sioux Falls, SD, USA
MTI = Matera, Italy
NSG = Neustrelitz, Germany
PAC = Prince Albert, Canada
RPI = Rumpin, Indonesia
SGI = Shadnagar, India
SGS = Svalbard, Norway
SNC = SanYa, China
SRT = Si Racha, Thailand
ULK = Ulsan, South Korea
- Field Definition: Acquisition year, Julian day, and GMT spacecraft stop time of either the last major frame of the interval or the stop of a WRS scene.
YYYY = Four digit year
DDD = Julian day of year
HH = Hour (00-23)
MI = Minute
SS.SSSSSSS = Fractional seconds
- Field Definition: Sun azimuth angle (degrees) at the WRS scene center. A positive value (+) indicates angles to the East or clockwise from North. Zero indicates North. A negative value (-) indicates angles to the West or counterclockwise from North.
-180.0000000 through +180.0000000 degrees
- Field Definition: Sun elevation angle (degrees) at the WRS scene center. A positive value (+) indicates a daytime scene. Zero indicates a nighttime scene. A negative value (-) indicates a nighttime scene.
- 90.0000000 through + 90.0000000 degrees
- Field Definition: Nearest WRS path to the Line-Of-Sight scene center. This is used primarily for scenes with off-nadir look angles. The center of scene for off-nadir imaging may be several paths left or right of the orbital path and the center may even be off the WRS-2 grid when near the poles. This is an estimated value, for reference.
001 - 251
- Field Definition: Nearest WRS Row to the Line-Of-Sight scene center. This is used primarily for scenes with off-nadir look angles. The center of scene for off-nadir imaging may be several paths left or right of the orbital path and the center may even be off the WRS-2 grid when near the poles. This is an estimated value, for reference.
001-059 = Northern Hemisphere (Descending)
060 = Equator (Descending)
061-119 = Southern Hemisphere (Descending)
120-122 = Southern Polar Zone (Descending)
123-183 = Southern Hemisphere (Ascending)
184 = Equator (Ascending)
185-246 = Northern Hemisphere (Ascending)
247-248 = Northern Polar Zone (Descending)
For acquisitions near the poles, it is possible to look off-nadir toward the pole, into an area not defined by the WRS-2 grid (above 82.61 degrees). To allow unique Target Row assignments, the North Pole area is assigned a row of 88n, and the South Pole area is assigned a row of 99n, where n is a sequential number. Up to seven scenes can be covered in these areas; therefore, the scenes are assigned row numbers 880 to 886, or 990 to 996.
- Field Definition: Number of product lines for the thermal bands.
- Field Definition: Number of product samples for the thermal bands.
- Field Definition: SDue to an anomalous condition on the Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) Scene Select Mirror (SSM) encoder electronics, this field has been added to indicate which model was used to process the data.
Actual = The actual measured SSM position determined from the SSM encoder telemetry was used to process the TIRS data. This is the best TIRS quality available.
Preliminary = Initial estimated SSM position information was used to process the data and reprocessing will occur once SSM encoder telemetry are available.
Final = The TIRS data was reprocessed with updated SSM encoder telemetry.
- Field Definition: The UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) zone used to project the location of the scene. A negative zone indicates that the false northing needs to be applied to the northing coordinate and a positive zone indicates that the false northing has been applied.
- Field Definition: Worldwide Reference System (WRS)-defined nominal Landsat satellite track (path).
001 - 233
- Field Definition: Worldwide Reference System (WRS)-defined nominal Landsat satellite row.
001 - 248
The Data Dictionaries are a set of information describing the contents, format, and structure of elements for EarthExplorer products.
- Field Definition: The year, month and day that the scene was acquired.
- Field Definition: The name of the Bias Parameter File containing the radiometric correction parameters applied during Level-1 processing of OLI data.
- Field Definition: The name of the Bias Parameter File containing the radiometric correction parameters applied during Level-1 processing of TIRS data.
- Field Definition: The name of the Calibration Parameter File containing the radiometric and geometric coefficients used to process the raw, uncorrected Landsat OLI/TIRS image data.
- Field Definition: Landsat Collection 1 is organized by a tiered inventory structure to indicate the quality and level of processing of the data.
T1 = Tier 1 is the highest available quality and processing level. This category is suitable for time-series analysis across the different Landsat sensors.
T2 = Tier 2 scenes contain significant cloud cover and have insufficient ground control to generate precision and terrain corrected products.
RT = Real-Time indicates initial processing with additional processing required to achieve Tier 1 or Tier 2.
- Field Definition: Landsat Collections provides a quality controlled selection of radiometrically calibrated and consistently geolocated data with sufficiently geographically aligned pixels to support time series analysis through the full Landsat record.
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in decimal degrees for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Latitude Format Decimal Degrees: -90.000 through 90.000
Longitude Format Decimal Degrees: -180.000 through 180.000
Number of decimal places will vary by dataset – check collection in EE.
Coordinates - Degrees, Minutes, Seconds
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in degrees, minutes, and seconds for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Longitude Format:
DDD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 180
MM = Minute(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with E for east and W for west
Latitude Format:
DD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 90
MM = Minutes(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with N for north and S for south
Corner Latitude and Longitude Product
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude value (degrees) are provided for the upper left corner (northwest corner for descending coverage / southeast corner for ascending coverage) of the product including the black fill. In the case of non-Earth or ancillary-only intervals, zero (0) is used as a placeholder.
Corner Upper Left (UL) Product Latitude
Corner Upper Left (UL) Product Longitude
Corner Upper Right (UR) Product Latitude
Corner Upper Right (UR) Product Longitude
Corner Lower Left (LL) Corner Latitude
Corner Lower Left (LL) Corner Longitude
Corner Lower Right (LR) Corner Latitude
Corner Lower Right (LR) Corner Longitude
Latitude Format:
dd.ddddd (DDMMSS.SSH)
dd.ddddd = Decimal Degrees*
DD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 90
MM = Minutes(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with N for north and S for south
* A positive (+) value indicates geographic North latitude. A negative (-) value indicates geographic South latitude.
Latitude Example:
42.74227 (42°44'32.17"N)
Longitude Format:
ddd.ddddd (DDDMMSS.SSH)
ddd.ddddd = Decimal Degrees**
DDD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 180
MM = Minute(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with E for east and W for west
** A positive (+) value indicates geographic East longitude. A negative (-) value indicates geographic West longitude.
Longitude Example:
-122.20707 (122°12'25.45"W)
- Field Definition: Data Type Level-1 indicates the highest level of correction that has been applied to the scene.
L1GS = Systematic Correction (Level-1GS) provides systematic, radiometric, and geometric accuracy, which is derived from data collected by the sensor.
L1GT = Systematic Terrain Correction (Level-1GT) provides systematic, radiometric, and geometric accuracy, while employing a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for topographic accuracy.
L1TP = Precision Terrain Correction (Level-1TP) provides systematic, radiometric, and geometric accuracy by incorporating ground control points while employing a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for topographic accuracy.
- Field Definition: The most recent date that the Level-1 Product has been produced.
- Field Definition: The horizontal reference system associated with the image.
WGS84 = World Geodetic System 1984
- Field Definition: This field indicates whether the data was acquired during a daytime or nighttime pass.
DAY = Day scene
NIGHT = Night scene
- Field Definition: The reference ellipsoid used to map the data.
WGS84 = World Geodetic System 1984
- Field Definition: Combined RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) of the geometric residuals (meters) in both across-track and along-track directions measured on the GCPs (Ground Control Points) used in geometric precision correction.
- Field Definition: RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) of the geometric residuals (meters) measured on the GCPs (Ground Control Points) used in geometric precision correction in the along-track direction.
- Field Definition: RMSE of the geometric residuals (meters) measured on the GCPs used in geometric precision correction in the across-track direction.
- Field Definition: Grid cell size (meters) used in creating the image for the panchromatic band.
- Field Definition: Grid cell size (meters) used in creating the image for the reflective band.
- Field Definition: Grid cell size (meters) used in creating the image for the thermal band.
- Field Definition: The number of ground control points used in the verification of the terrain corrected product.
-1 to 1615
-1 = Not calculated or assessed
- Field Definition: The version number of the ground control points used in the verification of the terrain corrected product.
-1, 1, 2, 3, etc.
-1 = Not calculated or assessed
- Field Definition: The composite image quality for the scene. If the scene is OLI or OLI_TIRS combined, the value will reflect OLI quality score. The TIRS quality score will be used for TIRS.
9 = Best
0 = Worst
-1 = Image quality not calculated or assessed
- Field Definition: Land Cloud Cover is the percentage of land image data that is obscured by clouds.
0.00 through 100.00 percent where -1 = Cloud Cover not calculated or assessed.
- Field Definition: The naming convention of each L8 OLI/TIRS Collection 1 Level-1 image is based on acquisition and processing parameters.
L = Landsat
X = Sensor (O = Operational Land Imager, T = Thermal Infrared Sensor, C = Combined OLI/TIRS)
SS = Satellite (08 = Landsat 8)
LLLL = Processing Correction Level (L1TP = precision and terrain, L1GT = systematic terrain, L1GS = systematic)
PPP = WRS Path
YYYYMMDD = Acquisition Date expressed in Year, Month, Day
yyyymmdd = Processing Date expressed in Year, Month, Day
CC = Collection Number (01)
TX = Collection Category (RT = Real Time, T1 = Tier 1, T2 = Tier 2)
Example: LC08_L1TP_073090_20160910_20161105_01_T1
- Field Definition: The Pre-Collection naming convention of each L8 image is based on acquisition parameters. This was the naming convention used prior to Collection 1.
L = Landsat
X = Sensor (O = Operational Land Imager, T = Thermal Infrared Sensor, C = Combined OLI/TIRS)
S = Satellite (08 = Landsat 8)
PPP = WRS Path
YYYY = Year of Acquisition
DDD = Julian Day of Acquisition
GSI = Ground Station Identifier
VV = Version
Example: LC80730902016254LGN00
- Field Definition: The method used to represent the 3-dimensional surface of the earth for the Level-1 product.
PS = Polar Stereographic
UTM = Universal Transverse Mercator
- Field Definition: The viewing geometry of the satellite during data acquisition is indicated by Nadir (straight down) or Off Nadir (sideways looking).
- Field Definition: Orientation used in creating the image.
NOMINAL = Nominal Path
NORTH_UP = North Up
TRUE_NORTH = True North
USER = User
- Field Definition: Data format available for download.
GEOTIFF = Geostationary Earth Orbit Tagged Image File Format
- Field Definition: Number of product lines for the panchromatic band (Band 8).
- Field Definition: Number of product samples for the panchromatic band (Band 8).
- Field Definition: Name and version of the processing software used to generate the Level-1 product.
- Field Definition: Number of product lines for the reflective bands.
- Field Definition: Number of product samples for the reflective bands.
- Field Definition: Resampling option used in creating the image.
NEAREST_NEIGHBOR = Nearest Neighbor
CUBIC_CONVOLUTION = Cubic Convolution
MODULATION_TRANSFER_FUNCTION = Modulation Transfer Function
BILINEAR = Bilinear
KAISER DAMPED = Kaiser Damped
16_POINT_SINC = 16-point sinc (sin(x)/(x)
8_POINT_SINC = 8-point sinc (sin(x)/(x)
DAMPED_WINDOW = Damped Window
- Field Definition: The name of the Response Linearization Look Up Tables (RLUT) file containing a mapping look up table to linearize the output of the OLI detectors.
- Field Definition: The amount of spacecraft roll at scene center. Positive roll is to the port side of the spacecraft and the negative roll is to the starboard side. A non-zero value indicates an Off Nadir acquisition.
-90.000 through +90.000
- Field Definition: Scene Cloud Cover is the percentage of the scene that is obscured by clouds.
0.00 through 100.00 percent where -1 = Cloud Cover not calculated or assessed.
- Field Definition: The sensor used to capture the Landsat 8 data.
OLI = Operational Land Imager
TIRS = Thermal Infrared Sensor
OLI_TIRS = Operational Land Imager/Thermal Infrared Sensor
- Field Definition: Acquisition year, Julian day and GMT spacecraft start time of either the first major frame of the interval or the start of a WRS scene
YYYY = Four digit year
DDD = Julian day of year
HH = Hour (00-23)
MI = Minute
SS.SSSSSSS = Fractional seconds
- Field Definition: The Station Identifier is the original ground receiving station to which the data was downlinked from the Landsat satellite. The list below is specific to the Landsat 8 ground stations that are currently populated in the USGS EROS database. A complete list of Landsat ground stations can be found at
ASA = Alice Springs, Australia
BJC = Beijing, China
BKT = Bangkok, Thailand
COA = Cordoba, Argentina
CUB = Cuiaba, Brazil
DKI = Parepare, Indonesia
GLC = Gilmore Creek, Alaska, USA
JSA = Hartebeesthoek, South Africa
KHC = KaShi, China
KIS = Kiruna, Sweden
KUJ = Kumamoto, Japan
LBG = Libreville, Gabon
LGN = Landsat Ground Network
LGS = Sioux Falls, SD, USA
MTI = Matera, Italy
NSG = Neustrelitz, Germany
PAC = Prince Albert, Canada
RPI = Rumpin, Indonesia
SGI = Shadnagar, India
SGS = Svalbard, Norway
SNC = SanYa, China
SRT = Si Racha, Thailand
ULK = Ulsan, South Korea
- Field Definition: Acquisition year, Julian day, and GMT spacecraft stop time of either the last major frame of the interval or the stop of a WRS scene.
YYYY = Four digit year
DDD = Julian day of year
HH = Hour (00-23)
MI = Minute
SS.SSSSSSS = Fractional seconds
- Field Definition: Sun azimuth angle (degrees) at the WRS scene center. A positive value (+) indicates angles to the East or clockwise from North. Zero indicates North. A negative value (-) indicates angles to the West or counterclockwise from North.
-180.0000000 through +180.0000000 degrees
- Field Definition: Sun elevation angle (degrees) at the WRS scene center. A positive value (+) indicates a daytime scene. Zero indicates a nighttime scene. A negative value (-) indicates a nighttime scene.
- 90.0000000 through + 90.0000000 degrees
- Field Definition: Nearest WRS path to the Line-Of-Sight scene center. This is used primarily for scenes with off-nadir look angles. The center of scene for off-nadir imaging may be several paths left or right of the orbital path and the center may even be off the WRS-2 grid when near the poles. This is an estimated value, for reference.
001 - 251
- Field Definition: Nearest WRS Row to the Line-Of-Sight scene center. This is used primarily for scenes with off-nadir look angles. The center of scene for off-nadir imaging may be several paths left or right of the orbital path and the center may even be off the WRS-2 grid when near the poles. This is an estimated value, for reference.
001-059 = Northern Hemisphere (Descending)
060 = Equator (Descending)
061-119 = Southern Hemisphere (Descending)
120-122 = Southern Polar Zone (Descending)
123-183 = Southern Hemisphere (Ascending)
184 = Equator (Ascending)
185-246 = Northern Hemisphere (Ascending)
247-248 = Northern Polar Zone (Descending)
For acquisitions near the poles, it is possible to look off-nadir toward the pole, into an area not defined by the WRS-2 grid (above 82.61 degrees). To allow unique Target Row assignments, the North Pole area is assigned a row of 88n, and the South Pole area is assigned a row of 99n, where n is a sequential number. Up to seven scenes can be covered in these areas; therefore, the scenes are assigned row numbers 880 to 886, or 990 to 996.
- Field Definition: Number of product lines for the thermal bands.
- Field Definition: Number of product samples for the thermal bands.
- Field Definition: SDue to an anomalous condition on the Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) Scene Select Mirror (SSM) encoder electronics, this field has been added to indicate which model was used to process the data.
Actual = The actual measured SSM position determined from the SSM encoder telemetry was used to process the TIRS data. This is the best TIRS quality available.
Preliminary = Initial estimated SSM position information was used to process the data and reprocessing will occur once SSM encoder telemetry are available.
Final = The TIRS data was reprocessed with updated SSM encoder telemetry.
- Field Definition: The UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) zone used to project the location of the scene. A negative zone indicates that the false northing needs to be applied to the northing coordinate and a positive zone indicates that the false northing has been applied.
- Field Definition: Worldwide Reference System (WRS)-defined nominal Landsat satellite track (path).
001 - 233
- Field Definition: Worldwide Reference System (WRS)-defined nominal Landsat satellite row.
001 - 248