Landsat Orthorectified Mosaic Data Dictionary
The Data Dictionaries are a set of information describing the contents, format, and structure of elements for EarthExplorer products.
- Field Definition: The Column Count provides the number of pixels, or columns, in each row of the mosaic.
0 - 30000
- Field Definition: The column value of the pixel location (where 1,1 marks the upper left hand most pixel) that is associated with the XStart, YStart geographic coordinate.
- Field Definition: The Component Count is the number of individual orthorectified Landsat images for which some portion was use to create the mosaic.
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in decimal degrees for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Latitude Format Decimal Degrees: -90.000 through 90.000
Longitude Format Decimal Degrees: -180.000 through 180.000
Number of decimal places will vary by dataset – check collection in EE.
Coordinates - Degrees, Minutes, Seconds
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude of the scene in degrees.
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Longitude Format:
DDD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 180
MM = Minute(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with E for east and W for west
Latitude Format:
DD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 90
MM = Minutes(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with N for north and S for south
- Field Definition: The map datum associated with the mosaic.
Valid value = WGS84
- Field Definition: The earliest scene acquisition date within the mosaic.
YYYY = Year
MM = Month
DD = Day
- Field Definition: This field uniquely identifies data which can be ordered from this collection.
Landsat 7 ETM+
Format: MEN-ZZ-XX_YY_2000
Example: MEN-10-40_LR_2000
M = Mosaic
E = Sensor (ETM+ for Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus)
N (or S) = N for Northern Hemisphere or S for Southern Hemisphere
ZZ = UTM Zone (2 character)
XX = Lower latitude boundary of 5x6 degree mosaic for Northern Hemisphere or Upper latitude boundary of 5x6 degree mosaic for Southern Hemisphere.
YY = Indicates the uncompressed quadrant represented by the 2.5X3 degree mosaic (i.e. UL=upper left, UR=upper right, LL= lower left, or LR=lower right)
2000 = Denotes circa year 2000 data.
Landsat 5 TM
Example: MTN-49-35_LOC
M = Mosaic
T = Sensor (TM for Thematic Mapper)
N (or S) = N for Northern Hemisphere or S for Southern Hemisphere
ZZ = UTM Zone
XX = Lower latitude boundary of 5x6 degree mosaic for Northern Hemisphere or Upper latitude boundary of 5x6 degree mosaic for Southern Hemisphere.
LOC = Indicates that a LOCAL contrast stretch has been performed.
- Field Definition: Field Definition This field is used to identify the data format.
GeoTIFF (uncompressed)
Mr.Sid (compressed)
- Field Definition: The latest scene acquisition date within the mosaic.
YYYY = Year
MM = Month
DD = Day
- Field Definition: The Platform used to acquire the data.
Valid value = Landsat
- Field Definition: The delivered imagery is oriented as a row-major raster file with the origin in the upper left hand corner (same orientation as the input Landsat imagery). The Row Count provides the number of lines, or rows, in the mosaic.
0 - 20000
- Field Definition: The row value of the pixel location (where 1,1 marks the upper left hand most pixel) that is associated with the XStart, YStart geographic coordinate.
- Field Definition: This field is used to identify the sensor use to acquire the data.
TM = Landsat Thematic Mapper (Landsat 5)
ETM+ = Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (Landsat 7)
- Field Definition: The UTM Easting of the Column Start pixel position.
- Field Definition: The UTM Northing of the Row Start pixel position.
- Field Definition: The mapping units associated with the mosaic.
- Field Definition: The UTM Zone defining the map projection of the mosaic.
- Field Definition: The column (Easting) direction size of a pixel within the delivered image.
- Field Definition: The row (Northing) direction size of a pixel within the delivered image.
The Data Dictionaries are a set of information describing the contents, format, and structure of elements for EarthExplorer products.
- Field Definition: The Column Count provides the number of pixels, or columns, in each row of the mosaic.
0 - 30000
- Field Definition: The column value of the pixel location (where 1,1 marks the upper left hand most pixel) that is associated with the XStart, YStart geographic coordinate.
- Field Definition: The Component Count is the number of individual orthorectified Landsat images for which some portion was use to create the mosaic.
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in decimal degrees for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Latitude Format Decimal Degrees: -90.000 through 90.000
Longitude Format Decimal Degrees: -180.000 through 180.000
Number of decimal places will vary by dataset – check collection in EE.
Coordinates - Degrees, Minutes, Seconds
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude of the scene in degrees.
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Longitude Format:
DDD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 180
MM = Minute(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with E for east and W for west
Latitude Format:
DD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 90
MM = Minutes(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with N for north and S for south
- Field Definition: The map datum associated with the mosaic.
Valid value = WGS84
- Field Definition: The earliest scene acquisition date within the mosaic.
YYYY = Year
MM = Month
DD = Day
- Field Definition: This field uniquely identifies data which can be ordered from this collection.
Landsat 7 ETM+
Format: MEN-ZZ-XX_YY_2000
Example: MEN-10-40_LR_2000
M = Mosaic
E = Sensor (ETM+ for Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus)
N (or S) = N for Northern Hemisphere or S for Southern Hemisphere
ZZ = UTM Zone (2 character)
XX = Lower latitude boundary of 5x6 degree mosaic for Northern Hemisphere or Upper latitude boundary of 5x6 degree mosaic for Southern Hemisphere.
YY = Indicates the uncompressed quadrant represented by the 2.5X3 degree mosaic (i.e. UL=upper left, UR=upper right, LL= lower left, or LR=lower right)
2000 = Denotes circa year 2000 data.
Landsat 5 TM
Example: MTN-49-35_LOC
M = Mosaic
T = Sensor (TM for Thematic Mapper)
N (or S) = N for Northern Hemisphere or S for Southern Hemisphere
ZZ = UTM Zone
XX = Lower latitude boundary of 5x6 degree mosaic for Northern Hemisphere or Upper latitude boundary of 5x6 degree mosaic for Southern Hemisphere.
LOC = Indicates that a LOCAL contrast stretch has been performed.
- Field Definition: Field Definition This field is used to identify the data format.
GeoTIFF (uncompressed)
Mr.Sid (compressed)
- Field Definition: The latest scene acquisition date within the mosaic.
YYYY = Year
MM = Month
DD = Day
- Field Definition: The Platform used to acquire the data.
Valid value = Landsat
- Field Definition: The delivered imagery is oriented as a row-major raster file with the origin in the upper left hand corner (same orientation as the input Landsat imagery). The Row Count provides the number of lines, or rows, in the mosaic.
0 - 20000
- Field Definition: The row value of the pixel location (where 1,1 marks the upper left hand most pixel) that is associated with the XStart, YStart geographic coordinate.
- Field Definition: This field is used to identify the sensor use to acquire the data.
TM = Landsat Thematic Mapper (Landsat 5)
ETM+ = Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (Landsat 7)
- Field Definition: The UTM Easting of the Column Start pixel position.
- Field Definition: The UTM Northing of the Row Start pixel position.
- Field Definition: The mapping units associated with the mosaic.
- Field Definition: The UTM Zone defining the map projection of the mosaic.
- Field Definition: The column (Easting) direction size of a pixel within the delivered image.
- Field Definition: The row (Northing) direction size of a pixel within the delivered image.