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Digital bedrock geologic map of the Mount Holly and Ludlow quadrangles, Vermont: Database

No abstract available.
Gregory J. Walsh, Nicholas M. Ratcliffe, John B. Dudley, Thomas Merrifield

Digital bedrock geologic map of the Mount Holly and Ludlow quadrangles, Vermont

No abstract available.
Gregory J. Walsh, Nicholas M. Ratcliffe, John B. Dudley, Thomas Merrifield

Digital bedrock geologic map of the Plymouth quadrangle, Vermont

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Gregory J. Walsh, Nicholas M. Ratcliffe

Digital bedrock geologic map of the Plymouth quadrangle, Vermont

No abstract available.
Gregory J. Walsh, Nicholas M. Ratcliffe

Paleogene stratigraphy of the Solomons Island, Maryland, corehole

The Solomons Island corehole was drilled in the hope of obtaining a continuous and more nearly complete section of upper Paleocene and lower Eocene strata than are found in the discontinuous and fragmentary sections in the outcrop belt to the west. Consultation with Harry Hansen (Maryland Geological Survey) on possible drilling sites that were within the limits of our equipment and funding led to
Thomas G. Gibson, Laurel M. Bybell

Preliminary analysis of integrated stratigraphic data from the South Venice corehole, Sarasota County, Florida

No abstract available.
G. Lynn Brewster-Wingard, S.D. Weedman, T.M. Scott, Lucy E. Edwards, R.C. Green

Palynomorph biostratigraphy of Eocene samples from the Sagavanirktok Formation at Franklin Bluffs, North Slope of Alaska

No abstract available. 
Norman O. Frederiksen, Lucy E. Edwards, T. D. Fouch, L. D. Carter, T. S. Collett

Geologic, hydrologic, and water-quality data for a multi-aquifer system in Coastal Plain sediments near Millers Pond, Burke County, Georgia, 1992-93

No abstract available.
John S. Clarke, William F. Falls, Lucy E. Edwards, Norman O. Frederiksen, Laurel M. Bybell, Thomas G. Gibson, Ronald J. Litwin

Calcareous nannofossils from Paleogene deposits in the Salt Range, Pakistan

No abstract available.
Laurel M. Bybell, Jean Self-Trail

The Manson Impact Structure: 40Ar/39Ar age and its distal impact ejecta in the Pierre Shale in southeastern South Dakota

The 40Ar/39Ar ages of a sanidine clast from a melt-matrix breccia of the Manson, Iowa, impact structure (MIS) indicate that the MIS formed 73.8 ± 0.3 million years ago (Ma) and is not coincident with the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (64.43 ± 0.05 Ma). The MIS sanidine is 9 million years older than 40Ar/39Ar age spectra of MIS shock-metamorphosed microcline and melt-matrix breccia interpreted earli
G. A. Izett, W. A. Cobban, J. Obradovich, Michael J. Kunk

40Ar/39Ar thermochronology and Alleghanian development of the southernmost Appalachian Piedmont, Alabama and southwest Georgia

40Ar/39Ar age spectra of hornblende, muscovite, and microcline, and total fusion ages of biotite from metamorphic rocks of the Inner Piedmont, Pine Mountain, and Uchee belts are reported. Mineral cooling ages from the eastern part of the Inner Piedmont are as follows: hornblende, 320 Ma; muscovite, 296 Ma; biotite, 293 Ma; and microcline (diffusional release patterns) Tmax = 267 Ma, Tmin = 234 Ma.
Mark G. Steltenpohl, Michael J. Kunk

Exhumation of eclogitized continental basement during Variscan lithospheric delamination and gravitational collapse, Sudety Mountains, Poland

A Variscan,deep-crustal-level (eclogite-facies),continental basement massif in western Poland, the Snieznik complex, was tectonically exhumed. Crustal-penetrating mylonite zones record three main kinematic events: early top-to-the-north-directed thrusting, right-slip transpression-tension, and late top-to-the-south and -east normal faulting. Thrusting resulted in extreme crustal thickening and ass
Mark G. Steltenpohl, Zbignew Cymerman, E.J. Krogh, Michael J. Kunk
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