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Analysis of three carp removal strategies for a shallow lake in Oregon suggests removing carp during low water years--when fish are concentrated in a smaller area-- was almost as effective as removing carp every year.

Common carp are recognized as one of the world’s worst invasive species and are exceedingly difficult to control. Climate change and associated variability in lake water levels may influence carp populations and the efficacy of control efforts. USGS and federal collaborators looked at three possible control scenarios for Malheur Lake, OR: No carp removal, carp removal during low water years, and carp removal during all years. The researchers found that lake area had a strong influence on both carp population and the efficacy of control measures. Removing carp only during low water years—when fish were concentrated into a smaller area-- was almost as effective as removing carp every year. These results suggest that a drier climate may naturally decrease carp populations, and that timing removal efforts during low lake periods may give managers the advantage over this invasive species. 

Pearson, J.B., Bellmore, J., and Dunham, J.B., 2021, Controlling invasive fish in fluctuating environments- Model analysis of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in a shallow lake: Ecosphere, v. 13, no. 5, p. e3985,

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