Perspective view of the Continental U.S. showing an elevation surface of the top of crystalline Precambrian “basement” rocks. Brown and orange colors depict the highest elevations; greens show the lowest elevations.
Illustration of NGS activities in bringing together national and continental-resolution 2D and 3D geologic data
View of an elevation surface of the top of crystalline Precambrian “basement”. Brown and orange colors are high elevations while greens show lows. Gaps occur where there are no published “basement” maps or where crystalline Precambrian rocks are absent.
Water, energy, mineral resource assessments, and hazard and land-use assessments are central to the USGS mission and increasingly rely on subsurface information and 3D geologic models. There are also many emerging societal issues in which 3D geology becomes increasingly relevant, including assessment of brackish groundwater resources, unconventional oil and gas plays, geothermal systems, reservoirs for carbon sequestration, and many more. USGS science planning documents and strategic plans for the USGS National Cooperative Mapping Program (NCGMP) call for geologic mapping across the Nation to become increasingly three-dimensional (3D) in nature—a plan that has been endorsed by the Association of American State Geologists and is justified by the societal needs for this type of work.
The National 3D Geology task seeks to compile, synthesize, and distribute 3D geologic data at varying scales. Task activities are focused on three primary objectives:
(1) developing an inventory and catalog of subsurface models and digital datasets,
(2) integrating and synthesizing subsurface geologic datasets into a seamless 3D geologic database, and
(3) making 3D geologic data accessible.
National Geologic Synthesis
National Bedrock Geology
3D Sedimentary Basins
National Quaternary Geology
Water, energy, mineral resource assessments, and hazard and land-use assessments are central to the USGS mission and increasingly rely on subsurface information and 3D geologic models. There are also many emerging societal issues in which 3D geology becomes increasingly relevant, including assessment of brackish groundwater resources, unconventional oil and gas plays, geothermal systems, reservoirs for carbon sequestration, and many more. USGS science planning documents and strategic plans for the USGS National Cooperative Mapping Program (NCGMP) call for geologic mapping across the Nation to become increasingly three-dimensional (3D) in nature—a plan that has been endorsed by the Association of American State Geologists and is justified by the societal needs for this type of work.
The National 3D Geology task seeks to compile, synthesize, and distribute 3D geologic data at varying scales. Task activities are focused on three primary objectives:
(1) developing an inventory and catalog of subsurface models and digital datasets,
(2) integrating and synthesizing subsurface geologic datasets into a seamless 3D geologic database, and
(3) making 3D geologic data accessible.