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Publications from the staff of the Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center

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A geologic reconnaissance of the Cycladic blueschist belt, Greece

The Cycladic blueschist belt consists of two distinctive segments separated by a broad zone of superposed granitic and high-temperature metamorphic rocks. The northern segment contains early metamorphic fold axes and parallel glaucophane lineations that trend ∼060° with a progressive increase in metamorphism toward the southeast. The southern segment contains similar fold axes and glaucophane line
M. Clark Blake, Michel Bonneau, Jacques Geyssant, J.R. Kienast, Claude Lepvrier, Henri Maluski, Dimitrios Papanikolaou

Proterozoic zircon from augen gneiss, Yukon-Tanana Upland, east-central Alaska

U-Th-Pb analyses of zircons from an ortho-augen gneiss body in the Yukon-Tanana Upland of east-central Alaska yield strong evidence for the presence of early Proterozoic material in this area. U-Pb data define a chord that intersects concordia at about 2,300 and 345 m.y. We consider two interpretations: (1) the protolith was intruded during the Proterozoic and was subsequently metamorphosed in the
John N. Aleinikoff, Cynthia Dusel-Bacon, Helen L. Foster, Kiyoto Futa

Geologic setting, petrology, and geochemistry of zoned tungsten-bearing skarns at the Strawberry Mine, central Sierra Nevada, California

The Strawberry mine, 90 km northeast of Fresno, California, occurs on the margin of a small roof pendant of Early Jurassic metasedimentary rocks and middle Cretaceous metaigneous rocks. Middle Cretaceous granitic intrusions surround and intrude the roof pendant. Adjacent to one granodiorite intrusion, several subvertical marble layers are replaced by scheelite-bearing skarns. The skarns form spear
Warren J. Nokleberg

Petrographic and chemical characteristics of pyrite-marcasite mineralization in hole 465A, southern Hess Rise

Core recovered from Hess Rise contains concentrations of pyrite, marcasite, and barite in the lowermost meter of limestone (Unit II) and in the brecciated upper part of the underlying volcanic basement (Unit HI). Petrographic and chemical data indicate that the sulfide-barite assemblage in the limestone is mainly a product of low-temperature diagenetic processes. The iron-sulfide phases are biogen
Randolph A. Koski, James R. Hein

Reconnaissance geologic map of the Topaz Lake 15 minute quadrangle, California and Nevada, with Quaternary geology

No abstract available.
David John, James Giusso, W. J. Moore, R. A. Armin, J. C. Dohrenwend

Physical factors that could restrict mineral supply

Stages in the metal supply process are affected by each of the following physical (geologic) factors: (1) geographic distribution of concentrations of potential ore minerals, (2) depth of these concentrations, (3) mineralogy, (4) grain size of the minerals, and (5) grade and (6) tonnages of the concentrations. For mineral deposits of each type in each geologic and political environment, the lowest
John H. DeYoung, Donald A. Singer
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